Poor Khabib. Should he fight for a non title fight to save the card?

Is it time for Khabib vs Oliver Aubin-Mercier? He weight in at 155 even steven.
I'm not one for conspiracies, but it almost seems like someone really powerful doesn't want Khabib to fight tomorrow..
I had thought that someone really powerful wanted to make sure Khabib was the champion. As I noted before, that was the only reasoning I could think of as to why the UFC would pick as their first replacement an injured guy 31 lbs over and not have Ortega along with a couple other prominent LW or FW contenders as a backup. And why they couldn't have just had the fight be at 170s, since that could lead to complications with Khabib getting the belt despite the precedent. It's also possible that this was an attempted work by someone who underestimated how much NYSAC were uptight assholes about this sport.
The guy got two title fights taken away from him in one week!

That must be hard.

I could totally understand if he denied a non-title fight against a still not certain opponent. Would be amazing if he still accepted though.

This is one crazy fight week.
Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a healthy, unbooked "champion" at LW that Kabeeb could fight?