Ponderosa's WH recordings

Not the first, but also not fully the second. It will be handled exactly like the pussy tape imo.
I.e. downplayed until it is drowned out by the din of the next Friday's scandal.
I'd like to see this as a WR poll. Which will it be, first or second?

The 2nd. His approval rating might drop 2-3 %. Some Republicans would condemn it. People would probably use the "locker room talk" excuse again. Then they'd attack Democrats for being the "real racists." His approval rating will go back up. New scandal will happen in 3-4 days. The end.
If such a tape exists and surfaces I think you are going to be highly disappointed when it does nothing to dent his support or hurt him in 2020. People just don't care man.
People care, just not his cult members. I know you don't care, you told me so.
Sarah Sanders declines to guarantee that there are no tapes of Trump using racial slurs

Asked whether President Donald Trump had ever used the N-word, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders would not definitively say, instead referring reporters to a tweet.

"The President addressed that question directly," she said, adding, "I've never heard him use that term or anything similar."

The question comes as former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman has claimed there's a tape of Trump using the racial epithet on the set of his NBC reality show "The Apprentice" -- though there is no evidence such a tape exists.

Trump tweeted Monday night: "I don't have that word in my vocabulary, and never have."

Pressed specifically on whether any recording of the President using the racial epithet exists, Sanders said: "I can't guarantee anything, but I can tell you that the President addressed this question directly."

She maintained that Trump is someone who is "fighting for all Americans," and that his policies are helpful "particularly for African-Americans," citing African-American unemployment statistics.

Sanders also claimed Tuesday that Trump's description of his former aide as a "dog" had "nothing to do with race and everything to do with the President calling out someone's lack of integrity."

The "dog" comment was one of many insults the President has used to describe prominent African-Americans, but Sanders insisted Trump insults people of other races as well.

"The President's an equal opportunity person that calls things like he sees it," she said. "He fights fire with fire."

Sarah Sanders declines to guarantee that there are no tapes of Trump using racial slurs

Asked whether President Donald Trump had ever used the N-word, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders would not definitively say, instead referring reporters to a tweet.

"The President addressed that question directly," she said, adding, "I've never heard him use that term or anything similar."

The question comes as former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman has claimed there's a tape of Trump using the racial epithet on the set of his NBC reality show "The Apprentice" -- though there is no evidence such a tape exists.

Trump tweeted Monday night: "I don't have that word in my vocabulary, and never have."

Pressed specifically on whether any recording of the President using the racial epithet exists, Sanders said: "I can't guarantee anything, but I can tell you that the President addressed this question directly."

She maintained that Trump is someone who is "fighting for all Americans," and that his policies are helpful "particularly for African-Americans," citing African-American unemployment statistics.

Sanders also claimed Tuesday that Trump's description of his former aide as a "dog" had "nothing to do with race and everything to do with the President calling out someone's lack of integrity."

The "dog" comment was one of many insults the President has used to describe prominent African-Americans, but Sanders insisted Trump insults people of other races as well.

"The President's an equal opportunity person that calls things like he sees it," she said. "He fights fire with fire."

Lowest black unemployment ever
Lowest Hispanic/Latino unemployment ever
Better trade deals
Securing the border
Peace in Korea
Energy independence
Draining the swamp

You think we should give all that up if Trump said the n word over a decade ago? That makes sense to you?

Even you, Even you can do better than this!!

Black unemployment was already on a downturn, and Trump has provided zero policies that could make this claim true. Same with latino unemployment

Better trade deals? Nebulous, and telling of straw grasping

If the border is secure, there would be no need for the wall. Also, border crossings had been on a sharp downturn since the 90s, and had already been at net zero for almost 5 years by the time he got into office.

SCOTUS. Umm, he nominated whoever Robert Mercer of the GOP whores told him was a good idea. I fail to see how that is a win for him. But ok, I'll concede, considering the paltry nature of this list of yours.

Peace in Korea, which includes the president giving Kim Jong Un the world stage with respect, while North Korea has not reduced any nuclear stockpiles, and hos not even slowed nuclear production, per Trump's own fucking people.

Energy independence, lol.

Draining the swamp. His administration is easily the most corrupt in history. At this point, his administration has eclipsed even the likes of Warren Harding's crony cabinet. Multiple administration officials have quit due to ethics scandals, and Scott Pruitt alone has over 40 investigations into him.

ECT. Fucking hilarious. This might be the most elucidating word you have ever written on these boards. It perfectly encapsulates you.
This story is very strange to me. Donald Trump, who any objective person knows is a vile racist, is supposedly on tape saying the n word. For all of us who have known what he is that tape will not matter and his base will celebrate it if anything.
Funny thing to me is that out of all the scumbags that have exited under Trump, like Manafort and Pruitt, and the greater scumbags still there like DeVos and Mnuchin, Omorosa is the one person who appears to have had to fight and scrabble her entire life to get there. I can't hate on the woman while the likes of them make fortunes.
Hilldawg is coming for you bitches

This story is very strange to me. Donald Trump, who any objective person knows is a vile racist, is supposedly on tape saying the n word. For all of us who have known what he is that tape will not matter and his base will celebrate it if anything.
I don't think it's objective that he's a racist.
There's plenty of statements to suggest he's a soft "I like blacks, I know some blacks" type of racist, the kind who doesn't believe it of themselves.

The second guy is correct in that the GOP and Trump bots wouldn't care if he called people the N word. If he just said it? Ok whatever. But even if he said "this person is an N-word" they wouldn't care one bit. I mean he already admitted to assaulting women; bragging about the exact things he has been accused of in law suits under oath.

He has already gone to the bottom of the barrel, there's no lower he could go that would get the GOP or his deranged cult to jump off the train.
President Donald Trump said:
When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a [...] job at the White House

Once again showing his great judgement. Only the best, better than all the rest.
