Economy Polling shows Americans/Moderate/Repub voters overwhelmingly support leftist policies.

Corn Pop Hombre

Apr 6, 2020
Reaction score

77 % of registered voters want to raise taxes on the wealthy
78% of people with a bachelor's degree want to raise taxes on the wealthy
77% of people with a post-grad degree want to raise taxes on the wealthy
59% of conservatives want higher taxes on the wealthy
62% of Republicans want higher taxes on the wealthy

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75% of people making over 100k want to raise taxes on the rich
76% of white people want to raise taxes on the rich
75% of Christians want to raise taxes on the rich

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73% of registered voters think the tax system favors the wealthy
57% of republicans think the tax system favors the wealthy
80% of moderates think the tax system favors the wealthy

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61% of registered voters want to tax wealth
only 20% oppose it to any degree

48% of conservatives want to tax wealth
only 32% of conservatives oppose it to any degree

50% of republicans want to tax wealth

68% of moderates want to tax wealth

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76% of registered voters believe it should be some degree of a priority to pass legislation addressing climate change

64% of moderates believe the same
62% of conservatives believe the same

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77% of voters believe we it should be some degree of a priority, to pass legislation addressing economic inequality

82% of moderates believe the same
64% of republicans believe the same

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82% of registered voters want healthcare reform
91% of republicans believe the same

This reuters poll had similar findings (both are from 2019 and 2020)

Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Man isn't it just so bizarre that on the actual policies, on the ACTUAL stuff that matters, Americans are overwhelmingly in line with Democratic policies?

Why is it that Trump and the Republicans have no policy prescriptions for ANYTHING? Why dont they have a solution for ANYTHING?

Tell me schizo war room posters - what is the Republican vision for 2021 to 2024? More tax cuts? More shitty trade deals? More tariffs that hurt American businesses? What the fuck does the Republican part actually want to DO, other than oppose Democrats?

Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. What will Republicans do about that?

Tens of millions of Americans dont have healthcare. What will Republicans do about that?

Climate change is an existential threat to our country and our world. What will Republicans do about that?

Younger generations are lagging behind in home ownership. What will Republicans do about that?

Income inequality is exploding out of control. The poor are getting poorer and the wealthiest Americans added billions to their net worth during a crisis. What will Republicans do about that?

The costs of education and healthcare are exploding out of control. What will Republicans do about that?

Americas infrastructure is crumbling and needs trillions in investment. What will Republicans do about that?

There's an opioid epidemic ravaging the country. What will Republicans do about that?

We have 2,000,000 people in prison. What will Republicans do about that?

In virtually every realm of policy the Republicans stand for literally nothing. They have no vision to do anything. No prescriptions to help our country.

It's almost like the GOP know that their policies are overwhelmingly unfavorable with the American people, so they constantly have to fight the culture war to distract their voters to act against their own interests.

"We can't raise taxes on the rich, Cardi B just made a provocative new song!!!!"
"We can't address climate change, Biden's an Antifa communist!!!"
"We can't have healthcare reform, black people are wanting their dignity and lives!!!!"

Grow the fuck up and start supporting politicians that will vote for policies that will improve your life. Whether they have an R or a D next to their name.
that's how echo chambers are born.
Nah bud. There's no seat at the table for rabid schizophrenics like that. I have relationships with a few of the moderate and sane Republicans on this board. I intake a fair amount of conservative media. Rabid Trump Cultists have no seat at the table in polite society and by the color of your piss belt, you probably dont have much time left either.
No shit Sherlock. I tried to explain this to you last week. Know what Americans don’t support? Dissolving the police, sanctioned race riots in their cities, cancel mobs on Twitter, etc, etc.

If the left could just get their heads out of their anus’ on these retarded issues then there could be a potential majority coalition.
There is definitely a leftist and marxist movement going on in the country. We've all seen things shift to the far left the last decade or so. Even seeing the republican party go further left.

But this is why we speak up against these leftist and marxist trends.
We've known this for years though, that's where conservatives voting against their interests first cropped up.

The shining example in years past was the opinion difference between "Obamacare" and the "Affordable Care Act" or a local variant. Attach Obama's name to it and all of a sudden people hated it. It's all fluff and propaganda.
Just goes to show how absolutely pathetic the Dems are at coalescing a viable message or strategy.
No shit Sherlock. I tried to explain this to you last week. Know what Americans don’t support? Dissolving the police, sanctioned race riots in their cities, cancel mobs on Twitter, etc, etc.

If the left could just get their heads out of their anus’ on these retarded issues then there could be a potential majority coalition.

Which Democratic politicians running for national office are supporting dissolving the police, and "sanctioned race riots"? I bet you wont provide an example.

"Cancel mobs on twitter" hjahahahahahha. Yeah the majority of Americans really care about "mobs on twitter" lmaoooo.
Not gonna read your block of text but this is shit we found out in 2016 when Trump was elected
Nah bud. There's no seat at the table for rabid schizophrenics like that. I have relationships with a few of the moderate and sane Republicans on this board. I intake a fair amount of conservative media. Rabid Trump Cultists have no seat at the table in polite society and by the color of your piss belt, you probably dont have much time left either.
you dont have to be ON all the time
it's like you came to the forum to do shouting matches against everybody
people like that are very tiring.
and i happen to agree with your post.
i also think trump is an imbecile and his entire coterie of monsters near him are awful
and that biden is an old shill with creeping alzeimers
and that pence is a retarded bible thumping hypocrite
and that kamala is there for being a woman of color and that's about it.

see? diverse thoughts all at the same time. it can happen.
No shit Sherlock. I tried to explain this to you last week. Know what Americans don’t support? Dissolving the police, sanctioned race riots in their cities, cancel mobs on Twitter, etc, etc.

If the left could just get their heads out of their anus’ on these retarded issues then there could be a potential majority coalition.

the right are actually the biggest fans of cancel culture out. Their leader Trump has participated in more calls for cancel cultural than any other human being ...ever.
Just goes to show how absolutely pathetic the Dems are at coalescing a viable message or strategy.
its hard to have a fair and balanced understanding of the democrats platform and message when all you do is circle-jerk hate on democrats all day and listen to non-stop far right wing media bud.

thankfully most moderates are not rush limbaugh sycophants and have a decent understanding of what the dems are offering
you dont have to be ON all the time
it's like you came to the forum to do shouting matches against everybody
people like that are very tiring.
and i happen to agree with your post.
i also think trump is an imbecile and his entire coterie of monsters near him are awful
and that biden is an old shill with creeping alzeimers
and that pence is a retarded bible thumping hypocrite
and that kamala is there for being a woman of color and that's about it.

see? diverse thoughts all at the same time. it can happen.

trump, Biden, and Pence are just there for being wealthy old white men.

Am I doing this right?

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