Opinion Poll: Melania Trump Most Unpopular First Lady Ever

Melania always seemed like she was disinterested with both the role and her husband so I can understand the hate, especially being married to such a divisive character. I like Michelle, shes eloquent and seems intelligent. In regards to the transgender accusations I'm yet to see any compelling evidence but neither of them are lookers, can't think of a first lady that was imo.
Get help before you hurt somebody.You are seriously unhinged.

You know what really hurts? Getting raped.


You know you're a prolific raper when you have your own Wikipedia page for your rapes.


You know you're a disgusting human being when you defend a man with 26 separate rape accusations.


You know you're a disgusting person when you defend a man who was best buddies and neighbors with Jeffrey Epstein.




But hey, tell me again how you think Donald Trump and Melania Trump are good people.

Innocent people hide the evidence that would clear them, like DNA in a rape case.


Tell me again how I'm the sick one here
this entire thing started from this post. you having an unhinged, woman-hating moment.
You sound like one of those pathetic idiots who has deluded themselves into thinking Melania Trump is classy despite literally being a foreign whore who fucked a disgusting pedophile crook for a green card. She's the definition of a vapid whore. You can find her titties on the internet if you need to jerk off.
but now you try to deflect it to trump, like that was the issue here. we were not talking about trump. we were talking about your seething deranged hatred towards Melania.
You know what really hurts? Getting raped.


You know you're a prolific raper when you have your own Wikipedia page for your rapes.


You know you're a disgusting human being when you defend a man with 26 separate rape accusations.


You know you're a disgusting person when you defend a man who was best buddies and neighbors with Jeffrey Epstein.




But hey, tell me again how you think Donald Trump and Melania Trump are good people.

Innocent people hide the evidence that would clear them, like DNA in a rape case.


Tell me again how I'm the sick one here

so your desperate deflection confirms yet again that you are a problematic individual. you chose those words, of pure hatred, nobody forced you. nobody was talking about trump, you brought it there to hide and convolute the story. it's not working.

what is it that makes you have such a deep, boiling hatred for women like Melania? is it because she represents the woman that would never give you the time of day? does she remind you of those girls in highschool that went for the chads and not the dorks like you? is that where this hate comes from? and that hate accumulated and filled a dark place in you that now sometimes boils over, luckily online so the people around you don't see what grows besides them?

what would you do to melania if there were no consequences? would you hurt her? would she be safe with you? what would your girlfriend or wife, if you have one, think of that post of yours? would they be proud? or would they start asking questions about who you are?

are your impotent rage power fantasies manifest in real life too, or only on this forum?
i am serious. get some mental health help. you're not right in the head.
this entire thing started from this post. you having an unhinged, woman-hating moment.

It's rather odd that you're stuck on her being a woman. What does her gender have to do with criticism towards her behavior and actions? This has nothing to do with "hating women" and everything to do with hating rapists and those who enable rapists to commit their disgusting acts of violence.

but now you try to deflect it to trump, like that was the issue here. we were not talking about trump. we were talking about your seething deranged hatred towards Melania.

Yes, I find her actions to be disgusting because she is married to and defends a serial rapist. I find her action of being close friends to Jeffrey Epstein to be disgusting.

I also find her whorish behavior marrying a man 25 years her senior for his wealth to be rather unappealing.

so your desperate deflection confirms yet again that you are a problematic individual. you chose those words, of pure hatred, nobody forced you. nobody was talking about trump, you brought it there to hide and convolute the story. it's not working.

Yes, I hate people who support pedophile rapists and sex traffickers. I find it disgusting that you are fine with that behavior.

what is it that makes you have such a deep, boiling hatred for women like Melania? is it because she represents the woman that would never give you the time of day? does she remind you of those girls in highschool that went for the chads and not the dorks like you? is that where this hate comes from? and that hate accumulated and filled a dark place in you that now sometimes boils over, luckily online so the people around you don't see what grows besides them?

If she was just a vapid whore I would only find her behavior to be pathetic, but I wouldn't hate her. I hate her because she's married to a serial pedophile rapist and was good friends with another serial pedophile rapist and trafficker. If my significant other turned out to be a fucking child rapist, I sure as fuck wouldn't continue to be in a relationship with them after finding out.

what would you do to melania if there were no consequences? would you hurt her? would she be safe with you? what would your girlfriend or wife, if you have one, think of that post of yours? would they be proud? or would they start asking questions about who you are?

What would I do to a supporter of pedophilia and rape like Melania? I would have her investigated and have the criminal justice system sentence her to prison for her crimes. Would she be safe with me? Well she wouldn't be harmed like those 26 different women were harmed by her and her husband. She wouldn't be harmed like the 36 girls her friend, Jeffrey Epstein harmed.

are your impotent rage power fantasies manifest in real life too, or only on this forum?
i am serious. get some mental health help. you're not right in the head.

If you're serious, then you're literally the most delusional pedophile rape apologist I've met. I'm pretty sure normal people find rapists and those who enable their behavior to be disgusting. If you're not disgusted by the Trump crime family then you're the one who needs professional help. I'm very open about my disgust towards rape. I find it interesting that you're not equally disgusted by rape.

It's actually really scary that you support people who have actually committed real harmful behavior towards women.
It’s blatant tribalism.
She’s 10 x hotter than any First Lady in my lifetime. But she wasn’t on tv all the time. I didn’t even realize her accent was so strong until the Republican convention. Jared could learn a thing from her.;)
GOAT First Lady.
Who the Meerkat?
It's rather odd that you're stuck on her being a woman. What does her gender have to do with criticism towards her behavior and actions? This has nothing to do with "hating women" and everything to do with hating rapists and those who enable rapists to commit their disgusting acts of violence.

Yes, I find her actions to be disgusting because she is married to and defends a serial rapist. I find her action of being close friends to Jeffrey Epstein to be disgusting.

I also find her whorish behavior marrying a man 25 years her senior for his wealth to be rather unappealing.

Yes, I hate people who support pedophile rapists and sex traffickers. I find it disgusting that you are fine with that behavior.

If she was just a vapid whore I would only find her behavior to be pathetic, but I wouldn't hate her. I hate her because she's married to a serial pedophile rapist and was good friends with another serial pedophile rapist and trafficker. If my significant other turned out to be a fucking child rapist, I sure as fuck wouldn't continue to be in a relationship with them after finding out.

What would I do to a supporter of pedophilia and rape like Melania? I would have her investigated and have the criminal justice system sentence her to prison for her crimes. Would she be safe with me? Well she wouldn't be harmed like those 26 different women were harmed by her and her husband. She wouldn't be harmed like the 36 girls her friend, Jeffrey Epstein harmed.

If you're serious, then you're literally the most delusional pedophile rape apologist I've met. I'm pretty sure normal people find rapists and those who enable their behavior to be disgusting. If you're not disgusted by the Trump crime family then you're the one who needs professional help. I'm very open about my disgust towards rape. I find it interesting that you're not equally disgusted by rape.

It's actually really scary that you support people who have actually committed real harmful behavior towards women.
desperate flailing and laughable attempts to deflect.
go get the pills
get the shocks
hug a teddy bear, NOT A PERSON.
Other than that whole supporting and marrying a rapist pedophile who later tried subverting democracy to bring fascism into the United States....... Not much.

We don't hate her. We just think she's a vapid and vile human who has done nothing useful during her time on this planet besides exploit others for personal gain.

You're talking about a lady who wanted to do an anti bullying campaign while her husband was the biggest bully in the world.

You're talking about a lady who hung out and lived next door to the most notorious rapist of the modern era, Jeffrey Epstein.

Melania is everything a First lady shouldn't be, vapid, vacant, soul less and not particularly bright.
She's also not American.
I like my First Lady from this continent.
Fuckin Eurotrash
It's a bit petty, the hate Melania gets. She speaks multiple languages and has had a truly remarkable journey all the way to the First Lady of the United States. She's all class but gets horrible and hypocritical things said about her. Whereas Michelle Obama has shown, since leaving the White House, a truly bizarre lack of class, yet gets treated as royalty by the media still.

lol @ anything CNN, especially if it's a poll.
It's a bit petty, the hate Melania gets. She speaks multiple languages and has had a truly remarkable journey all the way to the First Lady of the United States. She's all class but gets horrible and hypocritical things said about her. Whereas Michelle Obama has shown, since leaving the White House, a truly bizarre lack of class, yet gets treated as royalty by the media still.

lol @ anything CNN, especially if it's a poll.

Remarkable journey? She was a model that married a rich guy. That's it. And no, she's not all class. She lived with the biggest bully in the country, spent 4 years ignoring/parroting the vile shit he spewed towards other people, all while running her "anti bullying" campaign. Now THAT'S hypocrisy. And perfectly understandable why people don't like her.
yeah, such a long way to go. A lady with a foreign sounding voice forces people into thinking bad of her.

Racism is alive and well in the US, its terrible.
You mean people actually care about first ladies enough to actually compare their popularity?

This thread most likely just another hate for Trump thread imo..
It's rather odd that you're stuck on her being a woman. What does her gender have to do with criticism towards her behavior and actions? This has nothing to do with "hating women" and everything to do with hating rapists and those who enable rapists to commit their disgusting acts of violence.

Yes, I find her actions to be disgusting because she is married to and defends a serial rapist. I find her action of being close friends to Jeffrey Epstein to be disgusting.

I also find her whorish behavior marrying a man 25 years her senior for his wealth to be rather unappealing.

Yes, I hate people who support pedophile rapists and sex traffickers. I find it disgusting that you are fine with that behavior.

If she was just a vapid whore I would only find her behavior to be pathetic, but I wouldn't hate her. I hate her because she's married to a serial pedophile rapist and was good friends with another serial pedophile rapist and trafficker. If my significant other turned out to be a fucking child rapist, I sure as fuck wouldn't continue to be in a relationship with them after finding out.

What would I do to a supporter of pedophilia and rape like Melania? I would have her investigated and have the criminal justice system sentence her to prison for her crimes. Would she be safe with me? Well she wouldn't be harmed like those 26 different women were harmed by her and her husband. She wouldn't be harmed like the 36 girls her friend, Jeffrey Epstein harmed.

If you're serious, then you're literally the most delusional pedophile rape apologist I've met. I'm pretty sure normal people find rapists and those who enable their behavior to be disgusting. If you're not disgusted by the Trump crime family then you're the one who needs professional help. I'm very open about my disgust towards rape. I find it interesting that you're not equally disgusted by rape.

It's actually really scary that you support people who have actually committed real harmful behavior towards women.

You can try some immediate techniques to help treat acute hyperventilation:
  1. Breathe through pursed lips.
  2. Breathe slowly into a paper bag or cupped hands.
  3. Attempt to breathe into your belly (diaphragm) rather than your chest.
  4. Hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds at a time.
desperate flailing and laughable attempts to deflect.
go get the pills
get the shocks
hug a teddy bear, NOT A PERSON.

The only desperation seems to be your attempts to portray me as some crazy person for simply pointing out the obvious, that Donald Trump is a serial pedophile rapist and Melania is a scumbag for enabling and possibly participating in his crimes alongside their buddy Jeffrey Epstein.

The fact that you are working so hard at defending rapists is pretty disgusting.

Your girlfriend looks rather upset.
The only desperation seems to be your attempts to portray me as some crazy person for simply pointing out the obvious, that Donald Trump is a serial pedophile rapist and Melania is a scumbag for enabling and possibly participating in his crimes alongside their buddy Jeffrey Epstein.

The fact that you are working so hard at defending rapists is pretty disgusting.
call this number each time you feel the hatred seething

i actually went and looked for you. people care on this forum.
it doesn't matter what happened to you. right now what is important is for you not to carry this hatred forward.
please, take care.
I'm sure @chiefwiggum has no issues convincing his sister to let him beat her back out.

I have a really hard time believing that he fucks anyone worth bragging about.

my wife is 6’8 and has 30 lbs of muscle on Michelle. She’s a beautiful lady.
Hotter? Na. More intelligent/classy/a better person? Absolutely. That's why she was liked so much better than Melania.
You know her personally to know she's classy / better person?