Poliquin on Flax Oil

I take cod liver oil, last thing at night before I hit the sack so that way I don't get fishy wind. Anyone else do this?
ill just throw them in the blender by themselves first, before i add everything else to the smoothie. that should do the trick.
I get 12oz boxes of milled flax seeds for $5 at regular grocery stores, like wal-mart. I think they're on the baking aisle, or the aisle with health/whole foods-type aisle.
I have whole flax seeds? Why cant you just eat them as is? How would you grind them and would putting them in a blender be sufficient?
Body can't digest whole seeds. The tiny seeds might not get ground very well in a typical blender, but I've never tried.
What do you have for ALA? I did a pretty massive search last week and didn't turn up a whole lot. Most of the benefits I've seen tied to flax seeds can be directly connected to the fiber content or the phytoestrogens. That, and the fact that ALA is still a "healthy fat," brining us closer to the balanced variety of fats that we need in our diet. Which is why I still eat lots of milled seeds...

But, as far as ALA, I haven't seen much.

Myself, quoted because I'm interested to see what people can perhaps did up regarding ALA that I was unable to find.
A teaspoon or two of ground flaxseeds in a chocolate muscle milk shake is a pretty hearty breakfast drink.

That's fucking genius and simplicity at the same time; since I've cut oats, Ive been trying to find a place to use my milled flax. Great idea, Sonny.
I throw my milled flax on just about everything. I throw a couple Tbps in my MPI shakes, sprinkle it on my veggies along with EVOO, like spinach and yams.
so blender wont really work properly. what should i do with my whole flax seeds then?
Does grinding your own whole flax seeds have any nutritional superiority than pre-ground flax seeds, or is it just cheaper?
Btw, I plan on getting the ground flax next time I have a chance. I was going to get it last time, but the place I went only sold the oil. :/
I've recently found putting ground flax seed in cottage cheese with peanut butter to be a pretty good bed time snack.
If anyone cares, in one of the pictures of yesterday's T-Nation article, you can see the type of milled flax seed you can find (inexpensively) at most major grocery stores.

(It's what I use)