Social Police Officer Finally Fired for Misconduct...


Silver Belt
Apr 17, 2007
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...for arguing with another officer, lol. Can't make this shit up.

Shooting people is totally part of the job and defensible. Warrants an investigation for sure. Police have stressful jobs, families, etc. Arguing with another officer, though!?!?! That's fucking illegal.

Again, this has nothing to do with race. Many officers of all races have been fired--not investigated, not put on paid leave, not had duties changed, but fired--for arguing with another officer. Good job, Pittsburgh PD.

Also, I swear that I don't care as much about police misconduct as my recent threads would indicate. I think once you click on one of these stories, your whole newsfeed becomes a #BLM catalog.
I like how on every one of your thread you pretend cops never get in trouble for anything
I like how on every one of your thread you pretend cops never get in trouble for anything

It's more in response to th general public discourse. But they definitely aren't punished for shootings as much as they are vindicated. Partially because many shootings are justified.
That's nothing. Some folks get their ass kicked for arguing with cops.
...for arguing with another officer, lol. Can't make this shit up.

Shooting people is totally part of the job and defensible. Warrants an investigation for sure. Police have stressful jobs, families, etc. Arguing with another officer, though!?!?! That's fucking illegal.

Again, this has nothing to do with race. Many officers of all races have been fired--not investigated, not put on paid leave, not had duties changed, but fired--for arguing with another officer. Good job, Pittsburgh PD.

Also, I swear that I don't care as much about police misconduct as my recent threads would indicate. I think once you click on one of these stories, your whole newsfeed becomes a #BLM catalog.
Is there a national police hierarchy or are you using Pitt police as just a prop for a manipulative argument? Because I would think the first question would be to weigh this report against Pitt’s history of conduct. You were trying to find inconsistency, right?
Is there a national police hierarchy or are you using Pitt police as just a prop for a manipulative argument? Because I would think the first question would be to weigh this report against Pitt’s history of conduct. You were trying to find inconsistency, right?

In light of all the incidences of officer involved shootings being justified, I thought it was funny that a cop got fired for arguing.

Does that answer your question?
In light of all the incidences of officer involved shootings being justified, I thought it was funny that a cop got fired for arguing.

Does that answer your question?
Yes. “Perception is reality” logic.
That's nothing. Some folks get their ass kicked for arguing with cops.
And some get to have beer with the president.

Because life's not fair!
Had it not been posted to social media, he would probably be fine right now. But being on probation, you can get fired easily enough.
...for arguing with another officer, lol. Can't make this shit up.

Shooting people is totally part of the job and defensible. Warrants an investigation for sure. Police have stressful jobs, families, etc. Arguing with another officer, though!?!?! That's fucking illegal.

Again, this has nothing to do with race. Many officers of all races have been fired--not investigated, not put on paid leave, not had duties changed, but fired--for arguing with another officer. Good job, Pittsburgh PD.

Also, I swear that I don't care as much about police misconduct as my recent threads would indicate. I think once you click on one of these stories, your whole newsfeed becomes a #BLM catalog.
Rank is taken very seriously in the police force. It’s like arguing with your boss. Yes you can have a discussion but insubordination is taken seriously in most careers
Rank is taken very seriously in the police force. It’s like arguing with your boss. Yes you can have a discussion but insubordination is taken seriously in most careers
Reading now it was a rookie...yeah there’s no way that would fly almost anywhere that uses a chain of command.
Rank is taken very seriously in the police force. It’s like arguing with your boss. Yes you can have a discussion but insubordination is taken seriously in most careers

I don't believe you. It's a frat, and a shitty one at that. I've had enough run ins to know that "friends" can get away with bullshit.
I don't believe you. It's a frat, and a shitty one at that. I've had enough run ins to know that "friends" can get away with bullshit.
That can be said about almost any situation. Friendship can interfere with professionalism in all careers it’s not exclusive to police officers.
That can be said about almost any situation. Friendship can interfere with professionalism in all careers it’s not exclusive to police officers.

And that's ''ok" when it comes to people serving prison sentences?
Respect the chain.

Cant be having free-thinkers.

If they wanted you to have a brain they would have issued you one.