Police Officer Fatally Shoots Family Dog

Is it understandable why the officer shot the dog?

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Labrador Retrivers are basically people simps. If Labs aren't trained up to your standards it will always be open season on all dogs for lunatics like you.

This is some grade A level gaslighting. "Why don't you train your dogs better so we don't have an excuse to kill them?"

As I said, it's the equivalent of blaming the rape victim because she was wearing skimpy clothes. It in no way makes her rapist any less of a piece of shit.
Nope. I don't like it when I see untrained and unleashed dogs. IMO, people who own dogs have the responsibility to their community to train their dogs and to have them on leashes every time they're out in public.

PETA believes killing any animal is murder. You can't 'murder' an animal.

Not around here. I live in a semi-rural area. We have lots of 'pet' dogs of all breeds who get out of their yard and get aggressive with lots people who hike/run/bicycle.

"PETA believes killing any animal is murder. You can't 'murder' an animal."

People don't hate PETA because they consider killing an animal is murder they hate PETA because they kill a shit ton of animals because they consider death>exploitation. You actually have a lot in common in PETA I'm sure you'd fit right in.

"You can't murder an animal". I feel if someone had a gun to your head your stance on this matter would shift considerably.
If I were a dog owner, I'd prioritize its training so it never has a bad encounter with a poorly trained, heavily armed, cop, but that's just me.

Given your obvious dislike/fear of dogs, that's never going to happen anyway, is it?

And what happens when the poorly trained, stupid, cowardly cop overreacts and shoots a human dead because he, "acted aggressively"? Are you still going to blame the victim instead of the murderer?

In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if you did:rolleyes:
Labrador Retrivers are basically people simps. If Labs aren't trained up to your standards it will always be open season on all dogs for lunatics like you.

This is some grade A level gaslighting. "Why don't you train your dogs better so we don't have an excuse to kill them?"

My brother's two retired racing Greyhounds were attacked by a couple of out-of-control dogs.

Got chewed up pretty good, just like Cesar Milan did in the video I posted. BTW, did you happen to notice the breed of dog that attacked him?
"You can't murder an animal". I feel if someone had a gun to your head your stance on this matter would shift considerably.

And, if your Grandma had balls, she'd be your Grandpa. What a stupid line of reasoning.
My brother's two retired racing Greyhounds were attacked by a couple of out-of-control dogs.

Got chewed up pretty good, just like Cesar Milan did in the video I posted. BTW, did you happen to notice the breed of dog that attacked him?

I don't even like labrador retrievers that much I see them as being a dog for normies like goldens. The idea you should be scared of them is just gaslighting.

You the kinda guy who'd be the villian in an animal movie that makes little kids cry.
And, if your Grandma had balls, she'd be your Grandpa. What a stupid line of reasoning.

I'm saying your an animal and if someone killed you unprovoked that'd be murder.

I think if your a cop your confused normal people go to jail for killing people(animals). They go to jail for this thing called murder. I know you've never heard of that though.
That's why cops should receive better training than a few months at a police academy whose instructors like to think they're some Punisher-style badasses:rolleyes:

Don't want to risk being savaged by a Labrador, the one breed even Game Pits are scared of? Don't become a cop. If you wear the Blue, accept the risk. Or find another job that can be done by someone with a GED. McDonalds is probably hiring.

A dog's mouth actually contains less bacteria than the average human's. Although to be fair, by the look of that so-called cop, he probably spends more time sitting on his fat ass than trying to clean it.

The defensive tactics and combatives training they receive at an accredited academy is good, but not enough. The instructor teaching them is very likely someone who would be willing to fight a person on the street unarmed and not hold back, the instructor is not a coward or pussy. Time also passes by so officers feel comfortable they have a firearm and weapons, and just willingly go to those if verbal commands are not working.

It's a strange culture where they quickly develop a superiority complex and believe they're geniuses over everyone else. I know it sounds silly but some officers can barely fight, some lack so much fighting skills that a person with minimum boxing or punching skills would devour them. They need better fighting skills even at an elementary level, but of course that does not happen. It would help by just going to a local gym
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I'm saying your an animal and if someone killed you unprovoked that'd be murder.

I think if your a cop your confused normal people go to jail for killing people(animals). They go to jail for this thing called murder. I know you've never heard of that though.


Killing a human is called, 'homicide,' a.k.a. murder. The only time killing an animal other than a human is criminal is when it's done callously, a.k.a. animal cruelty.

Killing a human is not the same as killing a non-human animal. Only PETA-types equate the two. You can't 'murder' an animal.
I like dogs as well as the next guy. What I dislike are people who don't train their dogs, then blame someone else when something happens to it.

And I dislike people who blame the victim instead of the killer, which is what you're attempting to do. Without much success.
The idea you should be scared of them is just gaslighting.

You the kinda guy who'd be the villian in an animal movie that makes little kids cry.

I never wrote I was scared of dogs. The only gaslighting taking place here is you attempting to put words into my mouth.

You're the kinda guy who thinks animals deserve all the rights and privileges enjoyed by humans.
The defensive tactics and combatives training they receive at an accredited academy is good, but not enough. The instructor teaching them is very likely someone who would be willing to fight a person on the street unarmed and not hold back, the instructor is not a coward or pussy. Time also passes by so officers feel comfortable they have a firearm and weapons, and just willingly go to those if verbal commands are not working.

It's a strange culture where they quickly develop a superiority complex and believe they're geniuses over everyone else. I know it sounds silly but some officers can barely fight, some lack so much fighting skills that a person with minimum boxing/punching skills would devour them. They need better fighting skills even at an elementary level, but of course that does not happen. It would help by just going to a local gym

I've trained with UK coppers, and they admit the Officer Safety Training as they call it over here, is of very low quality. And again, this is the UK, where we only let actual grown-ups carry firearms. So there's no excuse for not training unarmed coppers, who make up the vast bulk of our police forces, in how to defend themselves effectively.

Most UK Response(street patrol)coppers end up training on their own time, at good gyms. Because the training they get from their service is next to useless.
The victim was the dog. I don't blame the dog. The dog died because the owner didn't train it.

The dog died because the academy instructors failed to train a POS coward not to use lethal force against an animal that was no threat to him or anyone else.
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The dog died because the academy instructors failed to train a POS coward not to use lethal force against an animal that was no threat to him or anyone else.

At this point, we're just going around in circles. You think police need better training and dogs don't, so I'm done.

Killing a human is called, 'homicide,' a.k.a. murder. The only time killing an animal other than a human is criminal is when it's done callously, a.k.a. animal cruelty.

Killing a human is not the same as killing a non-human animal. Only PETA-types equate the two. You can't 'murder' an animal.

You're basically admitting your morality is dictated by the law.
My kid got bit by the neighbors dog.

He was in the street, dog chased him.

I told the neighbor to keep the dog on their property or else I will mace, stomp, or hit the dog with a stick if it comes after me or my kids again. Want to run the dog over as it barks and chases at my car, I swerve at it a little bit. Haven't got it yet.

Of course I will never go on their property, but since it attacked my son already, I threaten it with a stick when I walk by. Dog is afraid of me, but not of my kids.

I have no problem with shooting a dog that comes after you on public property. I should shoot this dog.

This is an aggressive mutt though that bit my kid and another kid before. Can't imagine shooting a lab. They aren't very aggressive.
Labradors have the 2nd highest rate of attacking people after pitbulls.

Pit Bull have the greatest frequency of bites (25.07%), with Labrador Retrievers having the second highest rate of bite attacks (13.72%)

Surely there was some non lethal method to stop the dog, but he didn't exactly have a bunch of time to rummage through his utility belt to find mace or a tazer. The video in the OP was muted, but if the dog was growling as it was sprinting at him, then it clearly did intend to attack him.

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