It's is fucking astounding to me, how what have to be the room temperature IQ'd individuals, or severe nut garglers of Conor, have somehow managed to make it seem as if Dustin's wife is somehow in the wrong.
Like, you are legitimately retarded to somehow spin this onto her, as if she had no right to flick off, and tell Conor to fuck off, solely for the pre-fight antics, and insults he said about her. Especially after he showed absolutely zero definitive proof that she sent anything remotely indicative of sexual prowess towards him, much less how easily it is to fake said messages like this you technological illiterate losers, like we accused Schilling of doing, but we assume Conor didn't?
I'd sit here and be shocked if you would bash your girlfriend/wife if she did the same thing to the man who not only said that about her pre-fight, but doubled down, and said it live in front of millions after him getting his ass whooped by her husband, who just showed class & said decent things about him & his family in wishing him & his family well.
The fact you have to attack her appearance, as if that has any correlation to her rightful defense of herself & family, by telling the incredibly sore loser whose not only insulted her & told everybody he'd murder her husband pre-fight, but also did it post fight.
Or if your gal(if you even have one, which wouldn't surprise anyone if you didnt) doesn't dress up like she did, or much more revealing, especially for an event such as this. What did you expect her to do? Not try and look good? Ya'll probably are the type to blame a woman's sexual assault, or worse, rápe because of her appearance because you're low test men.
Even though we were all collectively agreeing that bringing in family/culture/nations into pre-fight antics was crossing the line, but a simple, "fuck you" and bird is trying to be "attention seeking famous thot"? Get real.
You lot really are a bunch of low IQ individuals, or who I assume are either woman haters because you rarely get any, and lack the ability to socialize with women.
Keep acting like you wouldn't want your wife to stand up for herself. It's not "white knighting", it's literally having decent morals.
Fucks sake, no reason this forum can be extremely toxic now-a-days.