Pilots! Let's talk space/flight sims.


And check this shit out:

Amazing fan made re-imagining on the X Wing Alliance engine. I've played it and absolutely love it. 20 bucks for XW:A then get the mod. It is easy to use and install, full base Tie Fighter game with updated graphics and/or the re-imagined campaign that takes full advantage of a better engine to add more and better of everything that made Tie Fighter great.

My republican brother in christ you got ROBBED.

X-Wing Alliance was being sold as a bundle with the other X-Wing and Tie Fighter games for 9 bucks on May The 4th. I picked up alliance a year before for 2.80 on sale.

Conversion looks cool though. Might check it out after I finish squadrons.
I appreciate being introduced to games I might like that I never noticed, but after watching a short review of PS3 After Burner, I've concluded it's freaking awful. Looked like NES Duck Hunt. There was no seeking out enemy fighter, trying to get behind it, manuevering for lock on and firing missile and repeating until it takes enough damage. Also didn't notice player trying to evade enemy missiles from fighter jet behind him.

This is my entire point.

It's on the far end of the arcade scale in terms of fighter plane games. The elements I've bolded are fighter plane elements that you think make a game more enjoyable. When you have games like IL-2 Sturmovik. Digital Combat Simulator or Falcon 4.0 they have even more things to consider in a dogfight and look at Ace Combat like you look at Afterburner.

My republican brother in christ you got ROBBED.

X-Wing Alliance was being sold as a bundle with the other X-Wing and Tie Fighter games for 9 bucks on May The 4th. I picked up alliance a year before for 2.80 on sale.

Conversion looks cool though. Might check it out after I finish squadrons.

I bought it over a year ago at random when I saw the Conversion.

Tie Fighter being my GOAT SW game, I can not stress enough how good it is. Was well worth 20 for XWA and after playing I would've paid 40. Everything I loved about Tie Fighter...but better.

All Hail the Empire!
I bought it over a year ago at random when I saw the Conversion.

Tie Fighter being my GOAT SW game, I can not stress enough how good it is. Was well worth 20 for XWA and after playing I would've paid 40. Everything I loved about Tie Fighter...but better.

All Hail the Empire!

I like the TIE Fighter aesethetically (awful combat design aside). But I still think Rogue Squadron 2 is the goat SW fighter game, but it'd be nice if you could fly TIE Phantoms thru the whole campaign.
I like the TIE Fighter aesethetically (awful combat design aside). But I still think Rogue Squadron 2 is the goat SW fighter game, but it'd be nice if you could fly TIE Phantoms thru the whole campaign.

I love being able to play as the the Empire: no starting as the Empire then suffering a crisis of conscience, straight Imperial Fighter Ace playing wingman to Darth Vader, bringing order to the galaxy one dead rebel scum at a time.
Never have. Between a little gaming here and there, D&D, BJJ, kids, woman and work keeping my hobbies small.

Make time for it, you wont regret it. Can be played in shorter intervals than D&D thats for sure.

It's star wars dogfighting chess. Check out this fantastic offical overview video from the developers.


And check this shit out:

Amazing fan made re-imagining on the X Wing Alliance engine. I've played it and absolutely love it. 20 bucks for XW:A then get the mod. It is easy to use and install, full base Tie Fighter game with updated graphics and/or the re-imagined campaign that takes full advantage of a better engine to add more and better of everything that made Tie Fighter great.

Yeah, this looks awesome. I bought Alliance last year just to play this conversion, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

I'm always keeping my eye on this Wing Commander IV remaster too, love the AI upscaling for the FMV's. It's still a couple of years away, but coming along nicely. Check out the 1st 15 seconds.

Yeah, this looks awesome. I bought Alliance last year just to play this conversion, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

I'm always keeping my eye on this Wing Commander IV remaster too, love the AI upscaling for the FMV's. It's still a couple of years away, but coming along nicely. Check out the 1st 15 seconds.

There is somethng the Wing Commander series and the spin offs that felt a little....off?

Maybe because I got into the series late, I always felt the controls were working against me.

So many gems from the early 00s

Frontier First Encounters!
