Picture of Rich Franklin with One Championship


Danger Zone Aficionado
Staff member
Forum Administrator
Mar 13, 2011
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Alright guys, on the main page we have an interview coming up with Rich Franklin, and we're going to put it up on the forum. Ahead of time, we're looking for a specific picture we are going to ask him about and are having some trouble finding it, so we'd love to see if any of you can help us with it:

The picture is Rich Franklin wearing shorts and flip flops, and he is in what appears to be a hotel lobby or maybe bathroom, and he's...conducting drug testing/hydration testing with no gloves on.

You probably can think of the picture, it made the rounds for a while. If you could post it in this thread, it would be greatly appreciated. We'll even (hopefully) credit you on the interview if you can find it and post it here.

Edit: We found it
rich franklin one.jpg
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If you draw it in MS paint I think it would be a better look overall.

Found it
If you draw it in MS paint I think it would be a better look overall.
Tell you what. If someone posts it, I'll try to recreate it in MS Paint sometime.
No luck finding your Ace Franklin picture.

My vote is for this instead:

Well it has been located, so thanks to all of your help for looking or keeping this thread bumped or just for being you.

rich franklin one.jpg
Was this before or after the filming of The Truman Show?
Been saying it... Rich “the Class Act” Franklin will replace DFW when he’s forced out or retires.
Why was he testing his/someone else's urine?
TS looking a picture of Rich in a bathroom....wtf.
It doesn't strike you as strange that the VP of the company was personally testing urine (with no gloves on) in a hotel bathroom for part of drug testing or hydration testing procedures?