Picture Of mcgregor holding a joint?

I don't think he'd be stupid enough to post a picture of himself if he was holding one. Although, if he does smoke weed, then I've lost a lot of respect for him.
lol - douchebag.
I don't like that MMA fighters are doing drugs it sets a bad influence for the children and it is also illegal and therefore, morally wrong
Someone please think of the children!
Not even a drinker anymore but I'd do some vodka shots and smoke with Conor.
Pretty sad honestly, this is most likely going to derail his career. People laugh and t throw out bullshit statistics about pots, but it's a drug that destroys lives. Have seen many of my friends succumb to the addiction, hope this is just a one time thing and ntohing of note.
I don't like that MMA fighters are doing drugs it sets a bad influence for the children and it is also illegal and therefore, morally wrong
But knocking people the fuck out in a cage... That's a much better example
I don't like that MMA fighters are doing drugs it sets a bad influence for the children and it is also illegal and therefore, morally wrong

The guy in your AV would be disappointed in you.
Well, he ducked Frankie for over a year - I'd say he runs FROM New York.

Could be a joint. Who cares?
Pretty sad honestly, this is most likely going to derail his career. People laugh and t throw out bullshit statistics about pots, but it's a drug that destroys lives. Have seen many of my friends succumb to the addiction, hope this is just a one time thing and ntohing of note.

Like I'm sure Rodney has explained, it's actually a life saver to many. Wanna know how many seizures I've had while high? 0. Guess how much money I spend on medication for destroyed joints? None.

You know what does fuck up lives? The oxycodone they prescribed me like candy, and the 4 different med combos that did everything from give me rage problems, to making me short of breath and changing my tastebuds until I couldn't even enjoy sushi.

It's a fucking miracle and lazy teenagers who go overboard don't change that.
Like I'm sure Rodney has explained, it's actually a life saver to many. Wanna know how many seizures I've had while high? 0. Guess how much money I spend on medication for destroyed joints? None.

You know what does fuck up lives? The oxycodone they prescribed me like candy, and the 4 different med combos that did everything from give me rage problems, to making me short of breath and changing my tastebuds until I couldn't even enjoy sushi.

It's a fucking miracle and lazy teenagers who go overboard don't change that.
I've seen people have seizures from pots, had to call 911 about 7--8 months ago for a girl who had a seizure, luckily she was fine, but a scary moment nonetheless.
You're a shitty troll.
Not even trolling, that legit happened, it's happened to her twice. She went to the doctor the next day and he said it was because she was dehydrated, she had been at the beach all day with no water and hitting the blunt made her light headed causing her to have a mini seizure that lasted about 45 seconds, I watched it.

Also, you're a shitty poster, in general.
I've seen people have seizures from pots, had to call 911 about 7--8 months ago for a girl who had a seizure, luckily she was fine, but a scary moment nonetheless.

Yeah, and I saw Rodney eat out your asshole in a Macy's while I road my dragon to the thunderdome.

Don't speak ill of green tea. Arnold Palmer would be pissed.

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