
I think they're okay. Just make sure there isn't too much salt or sugar added to them.

Aren't they good at preventing cramps?
The bread 'n butter ones can have a relatively high amount of calories, I stick to the jalapeno pickles.
they are cucumbers (very alkaline and good), vinegar (good), and salt ( get enough and not too much).
If you are training (sweating) on a regular basis, have no fear of the pickles as they are probably going to be very beneficial to you.

Most of us are probably well below ideal sodium intake, and pickles are good sources of sodium.
Most of us are probably well below ideal sodium intake

I'm not so sure about that...sodium is poured into most foods to make them taste better. Even those D&S'ers who stick to almost entirely whole foods probably do alright on sodium.
I'm not so sure about that...sodium is poured into most foods to make them taste better. Even those D&S'ers who stick to almost entirely whole foods probably do alright on sodium.

That's true, but this is something I've put quite a bit of research into recently. I've consulted with two dietitians as well as read many articles involving this topic.

Most people on this specific forum eat quite healthy I would imagine. Assuming a 3,000 daily calorie intake, you are probably getting about 2.5g of sodium (most from vegetables) when eating clean, natural foods. What I'm finding as an ideal amount of sodium for someone working out and sweating a lot regularly is more like 4g. I found this hard to believe at first, but the more I read and talk to professionals, the more evidence I come across to support higher sodium intake.

This article is very interesting as it suggests upwards of 8g of sodium for someone like me!
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