Picking Between Schools

Jessica Ross from warrior way looks kinda hot.... There was a guy on here that goes here, he seems to like it.

The Saulo Ribeiro's Academy website is the site for Saulo Ribeiro Jiu Jitsu Association
and not the dojo itself, so i really can't tell you.

And some of the Academies in his association doesn't have high ranks as the head instructers.

Ali Shariff - Blue Belt
Martial Fitness SRJJA
and there are some that doesn't even say their rank.
depends what you're training for.
Breaking boards?

Need to be more specific
You can always go and visit both of these schools, try them out, see if they give what you where looking for and then decide which one you want to stay at.

I Don't think you can choose one, just by visiting their website ;-)
bjjvaletudoktb said:
You can always go and visit both of these schools, try them out, see if they give what you where looking for and then decide which one you want to stay at.

I Don't think you can choose one, just by visiting their website ;-)
yes you can cause everything you see on the interweb is always accurate and the truth
I live in MI too, and I heard good things about both schools. The saulo school is strickly BJJ but warrior way is more focused on MMA, it has MT and BJJ.

I think the more important question is which one is closer to you. Melvindale and Walled Lake are pretty far from each other.
As ever when anyone asks this question - try them both then decide for yourself.