Television Physical 100 (spoilers ITT)


Sgt Sprinkles
Oct 11, 2012
Reaction score
This new show is like squid games, 100 of Korea's top athletes, fitness influencers and special forces compete to be better than anyone else.

The show's must see TV, the characters are great, the Korean social cast madness is interesting.

I put it on while doing my taxes, mother and father came over and couldn't look away.

The first main task was to fight over a medicine ball for 3min, last one holding it wins, tactics are up to you. It's intense, blood etc.

Yea, I saw it on my feed (?) on there a couple of days ago. I thought about watching it but didn't fancy being inadvertently fat shamed...
Why do I feel like mma guys would dominate these games

There are a few MMA guys (and girls) in it. Depends on the disciplines, we'll see.

First one was hanging onto a frame as long as possible where the best guys were an ice climber, a gymnast, and an army instructor.
Second discpline is fighting over the ball where it obviously looks like MMA guys and wrestlers will be very good. Gymnast dude just took the ball and ran away for 3 minutes though which also works.

Beginning of the show was a bit boring with the long introduction but now I'm really enjoying it.
These Korean influencers will rather die than admit they are on PEDs.
Korean netizens are absolutely merciless and it bothers the hell out of me. If you are popular they just crucify you if you dare make a mistake. You'd swear reading their comments that their farts never stink and the live perfectly moral lives and wouldn't possibly ever possess anything less than stellar judgement. An example would be the best Starcraft player ever, Flash - he makes some recommendations on his stream to invest in some crypto that ended up being owned by his friend (who would ever guess, a wealthy celebrity running promotion for another wealthy friend) and the coin went to shit, long story but the gist is he's essentially banned from streaming or competing... still.. after TWO YEARS. And this is relatively mild stuff, for the celebs that get caught with drugs or prostitutes it's literally career over. Even being gay is something to be ashamed of to them, apparently. Sorry for the rant, just a ridiculous facade that exists over there and I loathe those type of people, holier-than-thou how dare you make a mistake types.
Why do I feel like mma guys would dominate these games

They're pretty good, Sexyama is in it!


Korean netizens are absolutely merciless and it bothers the hell out of me. If you are popular they just crucify you if you dare make a mistake. You'd swear reading their comments that their farts never stink and the live perfectly moral lives and wouldn't possibly ever possess anything less than stellar judgement. An example would be the best Starcraft player ever, Flash - he makes some recommendations on his stream to invest in some crypto that ended up being owned by his friend (who would ever guess, a wealthy celebrity running promotion for another wealthy friend) and the coin went to shit, long story but the gist is he's essentially banned from streaming or competing... still.. after TWO YEARS. And this is relatively mild stuff, for the celebs that get caught with drugs or prostitutes it's literally career over. Even being gay is something to be ashamed of to them, apparently. Sorry for the rant, just a ridiculous facade that exists over there and I loathe those type of people, holier-than-thou how dare you make a mistake types.

They have a real cast system over there, like 7 different ways of addressing someone depending on their status/rank. It's intensely competitive. They seek perfection, they believe they're better and they have the evidence to prove it.

It was fun seeing them greet Olympic team athletes with way more respect. Sexyama was treated like a profit.

I am with you, class stuff irritates me, but I like to think of them as the victims of it, rather than the instigators.

It does lead to interesting dynamics, in the second task, where they fight over a ball; the winners of the first task got to choose their opponents. Many chose either someone of similar build, or in some cases they chose the most dominant opponent possible. They will take failure over making it easier for themselves. The respect they get for acting with honour trumps all. losing to someone stronger is better than winning against someone weaker.

One guy chose the strongest Korean, for the chance to be the guy who beat the strongest Korean. Boss. The chat they give is top hole.

Bodybuilder Vs top special forces dude was a good scrap, bodybuilder did surprisingly well but clearly had little grappling game.
Korean netizens are absolutely merciless and it bothers the hell out of me. If you are popular they just crucify you if you dare make a mistake. You'd swear reading their comments that their farts never stink and the live perfectly moral lives and wouldn't possibly ever possess anything less than stellar judgement. An example would be the best Starcraft player ever, Flash - he makes some recommendations on his stream to invest in some crypto that ended up being owned by his friend (who would ever guess, a wealthy celebrity running promotion for another wealthy friend) and the coin went to shit, long story but the gist is he's essentially banned from streaming or competing... still.. after TWO YEARS. And this is relatively mild stuff, for the celebs that get caught with drugs or prostitutes it's literally career over. Even being gay is something to be ashamed of to them, apparently. Sorry for the rant, just a ridiculous facade that exists over there and I loathe those type of people, holier-than-thou how dare you make a mistake types.

south koreans gotta a bunch body dysmorphia issues. super fake. super shallow. super vain. super shitty society.
a buncha fucking morons over there. would rather be in north korea. lol no fuck that korea too.
Pretty good show. The English dub is cringey as fuck though, laughable at times.

Would love to see an American version.
This new show is like squid games, 100 of Korea's top athletes, fitness influencers and special forces compete to be better than anyone else.

The show's must see TV, the characters are great, the Korean social cast madness is interesting.

I put it on while doing my taxes, mother and father came over and couldn't look away.

The first main task was to fight over a medicine ball for 3min, last one holding it wins, tactics are up to you. It's intense, blood etc.

The lineup was more impressive than I thought it would be
The TV show was called Squid Game

Not 'Games'

The last game they played, and the one shown played on the playground in the beginning, is called Squid Game because of the shape of the playing field.

All of the games together were not squid games
That's the entire fitness industry..regardless of country
That isn’t true. The fitness industry is into transparency now. People who claim fake natty are laughed at.

The fakers aren’t filing lawsuits against those who call them out. They do that in Korea.