PHOTO: Graphic Image of Ray Borg's Eye Injury (WARNING: Sensitive Content; NSFW)

  • Thread starter AronaBeatsJones
  • Start date
Looks like he got pink eye. Pretty common among little people who live amongst our butts.
What is graphic or NSFW about that?

Edit: Yes. I'm aware that I missed the joke.
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Inb4 Bigfoot back of head photo.

But to be fair a scratch in the eye can be not vissible but affect vision.
What is graphic or NSFW about that?

Bispings eye injury compared to that is... Nothing.

Glad Borg survived.

He still will get more $ for this than for the fight
as someone who actually has eyes, this is serious and not funny
Spoiler tag that shit, you monster.
Uh oh call the Waaaabulance. That’s what my eye looks like right now from drinking last night
Holy shit, I now have PTSD like Rose. That's disgusting, Borg could have died.
Looks like the pink eye I got from eating too much ass years ago.