Philippou did not headbutt Boetsch (gif)


Silver Belt
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Every other reply on a Phililppuo/Boetsch thread there are people saying that he headbutted Boetsch. There are very rarely, if ever, headbutts in MMA - its a clash of heads.

It happens twice in the gif, the first happens when Boetsch moves forward into Philippou and a second one after the knee (Boetsch was not bleeding before the clinch).

Boetsch lost fair and square, people need to stop making excuses. His Okami win was a fluke and he should've lost to Hector.
Even if he did, I'm pretty sure Tim could take a headbutt from a Mack truck and come away feeling fine.
A bunch of morons just whined after the fight. They cried Tim broke his hand, Costa illegalyl headbutt him, that's the first ever eye poke I've ever seen in my life and it was blatant. All kinds of excuses.

Turns out his hand wasn't broken but his nose was and still no one can provide footage of these head clashes that were somehow 100% Costa's fault and completely turned the fight.

Costa won fair and square.
Boetsch lost fair and square, people need to stop making excuses. His Okami win was a fluke and he should've lost to Hector.

So you say that people should stop making excuses for the Costa fight, and then you go on and make excuses for Okami and Hector a couple words later?
He was unlucky but he lost

He was lucky against okami

The Lombard win was legit but I have no doubt Lombard healthy would beat him
A bunch of morons just whined after the fight. They cried Tim broke his hand, Costa illegalyl headbutt him, that's the first ever eye poke I've ever seen in my life and it was blatant. All kinds of excuses.

Turns out his hand wasn't broken but his nose was and still no one can provide footage of these head clashes that were somehow 100% Costa's fault and completely turned the fight.

Costa won fair and square.

This right here.
Good post TS, i really never understood wtf Boetsch fans were talking about after the fight. Fair and Square win for Philippou.
A bunch of morons just whined after the fight. They cried Tim broke his hand, Costa illegalyl headbutt him, that's the first ever eye poke I've ever seen in my life and it was blatant. All kinds of excuses.

Turns out his hand wasn't broken but his nose was and still no one can provide footage of these head clashes that were somehow 100% Costa's fault and completely turned the fight.

Costa won fair and square.

Yep, they're just all disappointed and looking for anyway to explain to themselves how he lost - i've said he was very overrated for ages
I didnt see anyone claim he did it on purpose, in which case headbutt and clash of heads is pretty synonymous.

A lot of people seem to have issues with Boestch for his wins over Lombard and Okami, but that doesnt mean you need to deny a lot of unlucky shit happened to Tim in that fight that may have made the difference. If he won thanks to good luck, why can't he lose thanks to bad luck?
[QUOTE="Rush";78337427]Yep, they're just all disappointed and looking for anyway to explain to themselves how he lost - i've said he was very overrated for ages[/QUOTE]

I'm with you on that one bro. I was saying Costa was going to beat him.
I don't think that anyone said it was done on purpose?

Head clash cut Boetsch pretty damn horribly, no real mean intention here from Costa, obviously.
A bunch of morons just whined after the fight. They cried Tim broke his hand, Costa illegalyl headbutt him, that's the first ever eye poke I've ever seen in my life and it was blatant. All kinds of excuses.

Turns out his hand wasn't broken but his nose was and still no one can provide footage of these head clashes that were somehow 100% Costa's fault and completely turned the fight.

Costa won fair and square.

You should know by now that if somebody doesn't like a fighter (Costa) and something happens by accident (heads clashing) then it wasn't an accident but 100% intentional and malicious and should result in the unliked fighter (Costa) being locked in prison for the rest of his life. These are the rules of internet MMA fans.

Costa won fair and square, unless you don't like him.
The eye poke did play a significant factor in the fight in my opinion.
Costa won. Okami wins 9/10. Lombard wins 9/10...Tim is overrated, anyone who loses to matt hamill needs to realize that they are average at best.
Costa won. Okami wins 9/10. Lombard wins 9/10...Tim is overrated, anyone who loses to matt hamill needs to realize that they are average at best.

Munoz and Bisping (who should have lost) are both considered top 5 MWs
[QUOTE="Rush";78336229]Every other reply on a Phililppuo/Boetsch thread there are people saying that he headbutted Boetsch. There are very rarely, if ever, headbutts in MMA - its a clash of heads.

It happens twice in the gif, the first happens when Boetsch moves forward into Philippou and a second one after the knee (Boetsch was not bleeding before the clinch).


Thanks for this TS. After i returned from my local sports bar after watching the fghts, and i read about the headbutt outcry on Sherdog, i watched the fight again (the first round twice the next day), and i never seen anything as well. Boetsch lost fair and square. I had Lombard beating him 29-28 (i do not believe Lombard was healthy by the way) and he lucked out against Okami, after Okami pummeled him for two rounds. Boetsch is a good fighter, but he had no chance against Anderson, so i feared Anderson's camp calling him out instead of Weidman or Lombard, if Bisping lost to Vitor, and i am glad Costa won to prevent Silva's camp from an easy fight.
What bugs me is that there's a decent amount of people on here calling Costa a dirty fighter when none of this was his fault