This is kind of at the very crntre of what's wrong and what makes the woke community very difficult to coexist with: no matter what you do to pander to feelings, it's never enough, and the more you try, the more you sacrifice the originality, history, and purpose of the art.
Art should never have to make sacrifices or change itself for the sake of ignorance.
Saying "it's just a cartoon,, who cares if they change a bit of X or a bit of Y" or, "things need to change with the times," are remarks meant to sound reasonable, but are instead just ignorant.
For example, some of you may remember All In The Family with the protagonist Archie Bunker. That whole show was a satire of cruel, narrow, racist behaviour. And yet, overly sensitive, ignorant types got emotionally wounded by the shows existence because they didn't understand it was poking at, and not celebrating prejudiced remarks.....
Art comes from a time and due to it's context, better informs us about the way things WERE, not THE WAY THINGS OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN WITH OUR IGNORANT HINDSIGHT.
Rather than placate fragile feelings born out of well-intentioned ignorance, it would better serve humanity to have information made more available about historical context, and human behavioral tendencies and how to better manage them (like overreacting when our perceived value systems are offended).
I give up on people having an open, strong mind, that can think critically. I can't wait for AI to take over and tell everyone what to do. Most of us can't think critically, and won't attempt meaningful reading to break down the barriers of our own ignorance and ineptitude.