People that people will still be talking about in 100 years

OverCoronavirus Pressure

Mayberry = War Room, WR = OT. Shit.
Jan 29, 2015
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Beyonce Knowles? GTFO with that. She'll have no discernable influence on anything and in a century, nobody will know who she was or care.

So who? People who contribute something of significance to human knowledge, or who are the first to do something.

Neil Armstrong. Schools will still be named in his honor.

Shakespeare will still be important literature.

Who else?
We're gonna have "ViolenceBot 2.7 is HW GOAT Fedor BTFO" threads in a hundred years. Last Emperor goes down in legend

Salty Libs will erase everything else from history for being racist
Nikola Testa, Einstein, Hitler, Jeff Sherwood, Fedor
Britney Spears. Pop princess will never be forgotten :hmph
I think you are wrong about Beyonce.
This man

I think you are wrong about Beyonce.

Fucking LOL

She's barely relevant even now. It's even money that anyone will care about her when she's in her sixties.

People will talk about her briefly when she passes and that will be a wrap.