People that freak out over chairs


Gold Belt
May 14, 2008
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If this has happened to you, then please raise your hand.

Types of people you might've come across in public that freak out over chairs.

The Slow Moving Turtle: This individual you might see on a bus, subway, or train. They move at a snails pace in a direction towards a seating area and give you dirty looks when you get to a seat before them.

The Indefinite Reservation: "I'm reserving this for my friend"
Yes we've all heard that line before, but that party never shows up. It gives that individual a place to put their feet on the chair or to keep themselves one space separate from others.

The Double Parker: This individual actually is reserving a space for their friend, but will freak out if you sit in the seat next to their friend.

The Hazmat Worker a.k.a.The Boy in the Bubble: This individual thinks the world around them has cooties. You might have encountered this individual on an airplane.
For example: Window seat & Aisle seat are taken, but one of these two individuals will freak out if someone sits in the middle seat.
Alternate example: When someone freaks out after realizing they have to sit in the middle seat.
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People don't know how to make themselves inconvenient to be around. If you want space, you need to take space. For example, in a coffee shop you can:

Sit somewhere a little too far from an outlet.

Plug into that outlet anyway.

Plug every device you can into that outlet. Get a cellphone and a computer going.


Set books out even though you aren't reading them.

Order water and sit it across from you so that people can't tell if there are two people sitting at your table.

Sit a bag against a chair other than your own. Don't look at that bag.
Freaking out at chairs.

I only did it once. When I came home from work and found the missus arranging 12 dining chairs around our table.

They were new so I enquired about how much they cost.

£300 a chair!!!

I freaked.