Media Paulo Costa attacks Adesanya for Twin Tower statement

I’d love to see Costa become champ
I agree with costa, but izzy KOs him in the 3rd round. Costa is an average striker compare to izzy.
Yea but the power difference between them is like the one between Andrade and Tecia Torres. If Paulo can survive through the third with Yoel, I wouldn't be too worried about a volume striker like Adesanya.
Yea but the power difference between them is like the one between Andrade and Tecia Torres. If Paulo can survive through the third with Yoel, I wouldn't be too worried about a volume striker like Adesanya.
like fury and wilder yesterday ...
technic > power. Especially in striking and MW ( silva best example ).
In reality, they were part of the equation. Most of us live in reality and can't just separate the 2 when using a historical event in an example.

He could have just said something about destroying buildings in a demolition instead of using an example of a historical real life tragedy where thousands of innocent people died, no?
Then why wasn’t there an uproar and protest when a shoop was made of Hendo being fired out of a cannon and delivering an H-Bomb to Bisping dressed in a British military outfit and getting knocked out as if he was killed. This was also referencing a tradgedy where thousands lost their lives.
It's all fun and games until someone talks about Nigerian secular violence. The twin towers thing is pretty cringe since Yoel is the shorter guy.
I can just picture Costa at the US-Mexico border throwing immigrants back while yelling at them in broken English.

Tbh Americans are crybaby pussies. W
"Wahh he joked about people dying!". You guys really mean to tell me you never made jokes that were edgy? Shut the fuck up. He made a poor taste analogy to be sure, but if he referenced an event that was focused in the middle east or Asia nobody would be outraged right now.

That being said costa is hilarious and I enjoyed his response.