

Purple Belt
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
My God, I hate one hell of a time today trying to sign in. I must have changed my password via email 10 or so times and even when I was sent a changed password, it said that I had the wrong one. Has anybody else ever had this problem? Any suggestions/ideas on what it might have been?
Haha, its OK, man. It was just very frusterating trying to get on my beloved for so long. Thanks for taking care of it.
Same for me for the password thingy.I also cant make new threads or change my avatar.
Can I get a mod to reply?
ive had double yellows for over a month it seems.... and it sucks balls!!!

change it already
ive had double yellows for over a month it seems.... and it sucks balls!!!

change it already

You have 8 more days, and quit barking orders and cryin'.
King Kabuki said:
You have 8 more days, and quit barking orders and cryin'.

my bad...its just that it sucks not posting and and not bein able to make av bets and shit...all cuz of a stupid +1...not to mention that Drastic Man stole my av in the meantime

thnks for the update though
lol It's all good man. The man isn't holding you down or anything. As soon as the time is up you'll be free.
King Kabuki said:
You have 8 more days, and quit barking orders and cryin'.
please,can i get any info on my account?I cant edit my post,start a new thread or change my avatar,so something is not definitely right...and as I`ve said before I have trouble logging in.
I don't know what I can do man. I'm not an Administrator and the Administrators are aware of these problems and are working as fast as they can to alleviate them. Try logging out and changing the Forum Theme to the MOAB mode or the Original mode if you have it as an option and see what that does. If that doesn't help then there's not much more I can do.
Drastic Man as far as Delta knows had that AV well before you did. In fact, seeing that you're stating that DM has stolen it in the last month, it reinforces the fact that he had it first being that I know for a fact that he's had it for more than a month.

DeltaSigChi4 said:
Drastic Man as far as Delta knows had that AV well before you did. In fact, seeing that you're stating that DM has stolen it in the last month, it reinforces the fact that he had it first being that I know for a fact that he's had it for more than a month.


i had yellows for about a month, and had the av a month before i got carded...thats two months

you know shit and wipe that brown off ur nose...