Passing single leg x


White Belt
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
Does anyone know if it is possible to do rolling back take vs single leg x? Similar to the rolling back take vs half guard etc that Ryan hall has instructional on video.?

Keep trying it with varying success but can't find any videos of exactly how should be gripping etc.

Seems a much easier pass than fighting the slx normally

You mean like this?

Definitely possible even if I personally find it really hard to hit it against people good with single lxg
Search "single leg x/one leg x berimbolo" on Youtube, you should find some instructionals.

Edit: Like that ^

You mean like this?

Definitely possible even if I personally find it really hard to hit it against people good with single lxg

Thats exactly what I meant, thanks. Didn't realize this was a berimbolo though!
It's doable but hard. If uke keeps up with your rolls you don't have quite the same leverage you do with the normal berimbolo. I'm not going to track it down but there's a Miyao-Grippo match where Miyao goes for the rolling back take a few times but Gianni defends just by rolling with him and they end up in the same position before and after the roll.
The video posted won't work against someone who does the 1Leg X the way Marcelo Garcia teaches it.

When doing it that way, the person has both knees tight together, with the inside foot hooking the near leg not the far leg.
The video posted won't work against someone who does the 1Leg X the way Marcelo Garcia teaches it.

When doing it that way, the person has both knees tight together, with the inside foot hooking the near leg not the far leg.

Came in to post this. Against this style it's wasted energy at best, a free sweep/leglock entry at worst.
Yeah, this won't work (with any consistency) against someone who plays 1LX well. Your best bet to pass are back-step style passes, although I find those personally tough. Best thing to do is disentangle yourself and reset, though, tbh
Stuffing the knee and shooting forward to mount will work very well against some players, but to really pass a high level 1lx you need to get some tough collar and sleeve grips, good pressure, and fight to keep the opponent from controlling your near knee and ankle. Marcelo Garcia says it well, "sometimes you get a guy in your x guard and he just pushes the right buttons."
Does anyone know if it is possible to do rolling back take vs single leg x? Similar to the rolling back take vs half guard etc that Ryan hall has instructional on video.?

Keep trying it with varying success but can't find any videos of exactly how should be gripping etc.

Seems a much easier pass than fighting the slx normally
Great question. Obviously the best thing is to not find yourself in single x to begin with, but once you're there personally I like to focus on stuffing their inside leg (knee) between my legs, back through where it came, then closing space and looking for an s-mount kind of position, then if need be transition to reverse ride side control on the same side as their overhook on your leg. Hope that makes sense/helps!
More specifically, you must be able to hook Uke's ankle with your free leg as you roll, as Buchecha does in the video. This worked on Rodolfo because Rodolfo uses his inside leg to hook the free leg rather than clamping the leg that is in SLX, like MG does.
The video posted won't work against someone who does the 1Leg X the way Marcelo Garcia teaches it.

When doing it that way, the person has both knees tight together, with the inside foot hooking the near leg not the far leg.

First thing I thought. I actually haven't seen any proficient 1LX guys play it like the uke in that video does.With it being so loose,it looks easy to pass with even traditional passing. I've had a few guys try that Berimbolo roll and its been relatively easy to defend by rolling with them.
Put weight and pressure on the trapped leg and move your knee towards him. Should make him lose some control on the guard, but it's not easy if he is really tight with the knees and keeps your leg straight.
Seeing as everyone seems to not like the berimbolo pass, I'll post up my favorite SLX pass. I have found this to be the most reliable pass, at least for me...

Seeing as everyone seems to not like the berimbolo pass, I'll post up my favorite SLX pass. I have found this to be the most reliable pass, at least for me...

Ah yes, me too! This pass works well for me. This is also the pass that usually works on me when I try to 1LX or any variants of it.
Seeing as everyone seems to not like the berimbolo pass, I'll post up my favorite SLX pass. I have found this to be the most reliable pass, at least for me...

Nobody's ever tried this pass on me, but it definitely includes two things which give me trouble as a 1LX player-- the aggressive grip pressure on the lapels and the shedding of the foot on hip. Most of the other passes mentioned in this thread, like the stuffing the knee, the backstep, and the berimbolo, work very well against novice players but are easily countered by those more experienced with MG-style 1LX, and will often guarantee your getting swept on the return.
Honestly, I think even a lot of lapel grips can be a double edged sword at the highest level.

At about 3:20 Marcelo counters Calasan's lapel grip with an overhead sweep because reaching to keep it caused him to commit his weight forward. I go for this a lot and almost always get my opponent really off balanced and set up for something else even when I don't get it.

Removing the foot on the hip and retaining control is, IMHO, the only consistently safe and gi/no gi transferable absolute that exists is that you have to remove/neutralize the foot the foot on the hip. I honestly feel like everything else varies individually and situationally and caries its own set of risk/reward issues.
If uke tries to throw you forward you can time a smash pass by threading your knee between his legs... Its hard to explain..

Other than that your gonna have to back step