Papers stolen in Israeli raid on Tehran archive reveal extent of Iran’s weapons research


Apr 30, 2017
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“The work would be divided in two: covert (secret structure and goals) and overt,” an Iranian scientist writes in one memo, part of a 100,000-document archive seized in a daring raid on a storage facility in Tehran by Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency in January."

“It explains why the [nuclear deal] to us is worse than nothing, because it leaves key parts of the nuclear program unaddressed,” the official said. “It doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb. It paves Iran’s path to the bomb.”

This is exactly what the Israeli's did with their nuclear program in the late 1970s, with the help of South Africa. Personally I don't think Iran stopped their covert nuclear program. Why would they? I think these guys already have a rudimentary atom bomb, they just have not tested it, at least not as far as we know. They could have tested it outside of Iran, like the Israelis tested their bomb outside of Israel in 1979, in the Indian Ocean.
Are they more of a threat than Pakistan or Saudi Arabia with hard line Wahhabism?
How they just waltz in there and take or even know where these paper documents even be? How many people they have to battle through? And didnt they claim this happen a few months ago? And LOL at paper documents. I guess those sanctions are so bad, Iran still have no USB drives.
The Israeli's broke into an archive of the nuclear research the Iranians did before they signed the 2015 agreement, they don't really have anything with this.

“The work would be divided in two: covert (secret structure and goals) and overt,” an Iranian scientist writes in one memo, part of a 100,000-document archive seized in a daring raid on a storage facility in Tehran by Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency in January."

“It explains why the [nuclear deal] to us is worse than nothing, because it leaves key parts of the nuclear program unaddressed,” the official said. “It doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb. It paves Iran’s path to the bomb.”

This is exactly what the Israeli's did with their nuclear program in the late 1970s, with the help of South Africa. Personally I don't think Iran stopped their covert nuclear program. Why would they? I think these guys already have a rudimentary atom bomb, they just have not tested it, at least not as far as we know. They could have tested it outside of Iran, like the Israelis tested their bomb outside of Israel in 1979, in the Indian Ocean.
Won't trust what Israel has to say on this matter, because they have been crying Wolf for over 2 decades, and they earnestly want the US to attack Iran on their behalf. How can we ever know these papers aren't forged or embellished .
The Israeli's broke into an archive of the nuclear research the Iranians did before they signed the 2015 agreement, they don't really have anything with this.

I guess these Iranians dont really care about this archive since they have no to little guards or any security around it seems. So little, a crack team of superspies can just go in and take stuff home with them.
Israel making big claims about Iran developing weapons..... excuse me whilst I try and take this seriously
The first paragraph clearly states that these are from 15+ years ago. Nobody was disputing that they wanted a nuclear bomb at one point.
Sounds Didn't Israel already try to run this con just a couple of months ago?
Israelis went on a super secret mission deep into enemy territory to expose the evil Iranians once and for all? Seems legit.
TS is trying to shill hard for Israel since Bibi did a such a shitty con job. Fight your own wars you pussies.
TS is trying to shill hard for Israel since Bibi did a such a shitty con job. Fight your own wars you pussies.

Him and that Seaside clown are the resident Israel vs Iran propaganda thread masters on here.
Well this is it. We should go to war with Iran now.
All our deal did was give them a grace period to hide evidence before UN could inspect.
All our deal did was give them a grace period to hide evidence before UN could inspect.
If they really had a clandestine Nuclear weapons program that was mature enough to produce a bomb either the last decade or this one, why would they not have hidden it way before the Deal. To say the Deal gave them a grace period is to assume they were not diligently trying to hide their efforts pre-Deal.

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