Pacquiao Diaz Weigh-in


Brown Belt
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Mandalay Bay Events Center Doors Open @ 1:30pm, starts at 2:30pm open to the public
Pics?? Did this not start 1 hour ago?? Las Vegas is Rockies Time correct not West Coat Time?? 7 Hours behind the UK and Not 8?
What do they look like?? Does Diaz look Physically bigger??
Diaz is the shorter of the two..and manny has most of his bulk in his legs....Diaz does look a bit more stout.
Let's just hope the fight is competitive. It should be a good fight because of the styles.
Let's just hope the fight is competitive. It should be a good fight because of the styles.

Both of them are ripped as hell, but Pacquiao always wins that contest in the weigh-in
w00h00...those pics bring me back to when i was at the pacman vs barrera II felt like there was gonna be a riot between the filipinos and the mexicans...should be a good one tommorow....WAR PACMAN!!!:icon_twis
If only this recent move of the lower elites came when both Castillo and Corrales were in the mix... *sigh*
If only this recent move of the lower elites came when both Castillo and Corrales were in the mix... *sigh*

Man oh man....A Pac Vs Corrales/Castillo fight would have been flat out brutal...

I think Diaz brings his "A" game tonight, but gets stopped late via TKO.

Should be fast paced to say the least..

These guys are shredded. I'm excited for this fight. It should be a good one.
I was at the weigh-ins both looked shredded, Pacquiao came in at 134.5, Diaz at 135. Should be a war.
Seriously, don't be surprised if Diaz wins tomorrow night.
Manny fights better against a fighter like Diaz than someone crafty like a Marquez.
Against Marquez he was constantly moving trying to figure him out and offbalance alot not getting set. Like when he first came into the limelight a average skilled fighter with superhuman speed and power. And that is what got him threw the Marquez fights.

Against more agressive fighters i.e. the Marco Antonio's the Morales' and Diaz's when he knows what to expect he performs better and when Manny is on he is the greatest Offensive fighter in the world. Thats the Manny I expect to show up tonight and give another amazing performance totally running straight thru Diaz!