Overhand hooks...


Green Belt
Feb 25, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone else been playing around with overhand hooks? i've recently really started focussing my standup to develop a lot more punching angles...

Overhand hooks are so very dificult to defend, and don't have to be thrown looping and telegraphed like Chuck's he landed on Overeem (though we can see even still how effective that one was), so I've been working on both the power right hand overhand hook, but also the leading overhand hook, which is a nice chopping punch that cuts through a bad defense of the face and confounds a basic jab block/hook block.

Nice combos I came across:

straight left jab, overhand right hook, left hook to the liver, right kick to the leg.
reminiscant of Ernesto Hoost.

overhand leading left hook, right straight cross to the body, left uppercut/ Knee to the head.

the same angle can be applied to elbows. Watch Rammon Dekker's highlight video where he's fighting in a thai MT match, and brings an overhand right elbow straight through a guys defense and plows his face.... Nasty.

The best thing about overhand hooks being that they come down on the oponent, and have a higher chance of scoring a down.
I like these punches because when I throw them I tend to end up slipping anything my opponent throws by accident if nothing else. Be careful to use them sparingly tho or you get predictable and easy to thai clinch on.
They are great punches to counter with tho. As your opponent throws, either hand, slip to the outside anf throw the same hand only loop it overhand and it lands over their punch while theirs misses.
Or corkscrew your jab as you step to the left if you fight orthodox and it comes in at a very hard angle to defend. Double this corkscrew hook as my school calls it or triple it up, stepping in a cicle around your guy and it scores as well as sets up the rear hand for a staight or uppercut.
Effective strike.
My sparring partner lands them on me quite a bit when i jab to the body, because my defense is lower than his shoulders are.

SIDENOTE: did you see that Ramon Dekkers clip (by kyho) where he squeezes some Thai fighers hips with his knees, elevates above the opponents head and comes down with an 'axe-elbow' to the guys neck? Ive never seen that before. It was interesting, like a hip-clench + elbow.
I-Shoji said:
Nice combos I came across:

straight left jab, overhand right hook, left hook to the liver, right kick to the leg.
reminiscant of Ernesto Hoost.

overhand leading left hook, right straight cross to the body, left uppercut/ Knee to the head.

the same angle can be applied to elbows. Watch Rammon Dekker's highlight video where he's fighting in a thai MT match, and brings an overhand right elbow straight through a guys defense and plows his face.... Nasty.

The best thing about overhand hooks being that they come down on the oponent, and have a higher chance of scoring a down.

Sounds like some good combos
tokian said:
Effective strike.
My sparring partner lands them on me quite a bit when i jab to the body, because my defense is lower than his shoulders are.

SIDENOTE: did you see that Ramon Dekkers clip (by kyho) where he squeezes some Thai fighers hips with his knees, elevates above the opponents head and comes down with an 'axe-elbow' to the guys neck? Ive never seen that before. It was interesting, like a hip-clench + elbow.

Ya that move was pretty odd. I saw that clip. I think it freaked the guy he did it to out more then it hurt him.

Incidentally a super counter to someone overusing the overhand hooks is a sharp shovel-hook type shot or hook to the kidney or spleen with just enough head movement to take their shot on the shoulders or collarbone. Watched a boxing match last night on the "DelaHoya Presento:el boxeo" on HBO, between Mosley and some taller mexican fighter and the mexican guy was tee-ing off on mosley with the overhand hooks and connecting. At some point late in the first round Mosley stepped right into him with a left hand hook to the liver and the whole pace of the fight changed. It was pretty amazing. He completely stopped throwing them.