1. Breaking Bad, by a wide margin.
2. Dexter. Shame there's only 4 seasons.
Yes, there only is 4 seasons.
3. I really don't have a third pick.
House of Cards had two great seasons, with a 'meh' 3rd season, and we all know what happened with the 4th season.
Sons of Anarchy had two great seasons, then it became the most inconsistent show ever. A 'meh' 3rd season, and great 4th Season, and a trash 5th season, a good 6th season, and absolutely horrible final season with one if the worst series finales ever.
The Wire.... I hear its fans call it the GOAT, but I just don't see it. It took me three attempts to get through the first season, and that last attempt it was about as painful as what I imagine what its like watching a recent Disney+ Star Wars series.
And I hear thats one of its best seasons.
Man Men... got through the first season... and like The Wire I got through it and I was like '"I'm good." No interest in watching anything more.
Sopranos... watched 3 seasons, and it never 'hooked' me and with all the praise I've heard about it I kept watching to see when it would hook me. Never happened.
Better Call Saul... I consider Breaking Bad the GOAT but still debating if I should watch BCS because after watching the first 7 or 8 episodes I was bored. Most of Breaking Bad wasn't exactly fast-paced but BCS was a slog. Figured I watch it after it wraps and gauge if I should watch it if it was received well, and I'm still debating if I should.
Peaky Blinders... haven't seen it, though I've heard good things.
@Takes Two To Tango
Haven't you done one of those big poll tournaments with Seasons of TV?
Yeah I did it, thanks to your suggestion. Here is the final results.
Television - Out of these TV Show seasons - Which one the best? (Finals Triple O/T)
First Elimination Bracket Second Elimination Bracket Third Elimination Bracket Fourth Elimination Bracket Fifth Elimination Bracket Sixth Elimination Bracket First Semi-Finals Second Semi-Finals The Finals Finals O/T Finals Double O/T Here we go this is it. Mano a Mano. Lets get it on...forums.sherdog.com
1. Breaking Bad, by a wide margin.
2. Dexter. Shame there's only 4 seasons.
Yes, there only is 4 seasons.
3. I really don't have a third pick.
House of Cards had two great seasons, with a 'meh' 3rd season, and we all know what happened with the 4th season.
Sons of Anarchy had two great seasons, then it became the most inconsistent show ever. A 'meh' 3rd season, and great 4th Season, and a trash 5th season, a good 6th season, and absolutely horrible final season with one if the worst series finales ever.
The Wire.... I hear its fans call it the GOAT, but I just don't see it. It took me three attempts to get through the first season, and that last attempt it was about as painful as what I imagine what its like watching a recent Disney+ Star Wars series.
And I hear thats one of its best seasons.
Mad Men... got through the first season... and like The Wire I got through it and I was like '"I'm good." No interest in watching anything more.
Sopranos... watched 3 seasons, and it never 'hooked' me and with all the praise I've heard about it I kept watching to see when it would hook me. Never happened.
Better Call Saul... I consider Breaking Bad the GOAT but still debating if I should watch BCS because after watching the first 7 or 8 episodes I was bored. Most of Breaking Bad wasn't exactly fast-paced but BCS was a slog. Figured I watch it after it wraps and gauge if I should watch it if it was received well, and I'm still debating if I should.
Peaky Blinders... haven't seen it, though I've heard good things.
Keep watching BCS. it gets a lot better. i think i liked it more than Breaking Bad.
How high in BB on your GOAT list?
I never understood the attraction with SoA, I thought it was awful. Great cast but man was it stupid.Replace SoA with the Shield and thats a strong list.
Sons is so fucking overrated.
I never understood the attraction with SoA, I thought it was awful. Great cast but man was it stupid.