

Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
So my back got destroyed...

I was guarding, i wiegh 160 and this dude 220 gets double underhooks stacks and walks forward and continues pulling up...Now I can barly breath and feel like a pussy cuz i kinda started to cry.
Might I add I heard several cracks and now cant breath right.

I'll post back and say how im feeling in the morning
That sucks man. Did you try to tap before it got too bad?

PS: I may have got my nose broken today. Don't feel too bad.
Weonlywonsixtwo said:
So my back got destroyed...

I was guarding, i wiegh 160 and this dude 220 gets double underhooks stacks and walks forward and continues pulling up...Now I can barly breath and feel like a pussy cuz i kinda started to cry.
Might I add I heard several cracks and now cant breath right.

I'll post back and say how im feeling in the morning

Did you go to the emergency room and check it out? Your back cracks and you are having difficutly breathing is not a good sign.

Get it checked before you do more damage.

goto the doc asap thats not the type of injury you wanna mess around with
Weonlywonsixtwo said:
So my back got destroyed...

I was guarding, i wiegh 160 and this dude 220 gets double underhooks stacks and walks forward and continues pulling up...Now I can barly breath and feel like a pussy cuz i kinda started to cry.
Might I add I heard several cracks and now cant breath right.

I'll post back and say how im feeling in the morning

Dude, tap, yell, punch the guy ... do something to stop paralysis!
That sucks, I suggest you get yourself checked by a doctor and you should stop sparring with retards.
It's kinda better now, but I cant lift anything or jump or wtvr...

I'll be out of training for a month.

I couldnt tap it happened too fast.
Yeah go to a dr or Chiro and have them check you out.
A chiro can at least do X-rays ( at least the ones in SD have X-ray ability) and check your back to at least see what is wrong, but I agree, see a dr. first.
Okay man, but check it out at the doc
Could be a rib too. Couldve cracked one or torn some cartilage which would account for the breathing troubles.

Doctors cant do much about it, but at least if you know what it is you know how long you should stay away from training for. If you go back to training and re-injure it 'cause it is still weak but felt OK - you could do more damage and lay yourself out for longer.
somehow, i think he's checking this thread for more answers than going to a dr.
