opponent that runs away


White Belt
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I was sparring a friend but he's not really a boxer or kickboxer and he wanted only boxing, but he's taller than me and he was always running from me as soon as I even jabbed. what to do against something like that, ok, in the ring he would get stuck in a corner or in the ropes, but when there's no ring.. I hate this situation it's just something I'm not used to, most opponent don't really run when I spar :D
Are you just sparring in a big open field? I would say cut him off....should be a basic thing...dont chase your opponent make him run and get tirewd and just cut off his exits
TapSD said:
Are you just sparring in a big open field? I would say cut him off....should be a basic thing...dont chase your opponent make him run and get tirewd and just cut off his exits
I was gonna ask that field question too. Use the ring/ cage and cut him off. corner him. force the fight.
ballie said:
I was sparring a friend but he's not really a boxer or kickboxer and he wanted only boxing, but he's taller than me and he was always running from me as soon as I even jabbed. what to do against something like that, ok, in the ring he would get stuck in a corner or in the ropes, but when there's no ring.. I hate this situation it's just something I'm not used to, most opponent don't really run when I spar :D

If he's running that hard then he must be really shitting himself. Leave him alone you big bully :D
if you're fighting in a field and he's running... tackle him.
trash talk him and call him a pussy till he starts fightig you
haha; yes indeed should trash talk him, or maybe kiss him

not an open field but a very big room, takes some time to reach the corners or a wall..

but now I'm thinking yes indeed, stupid question, if he's running let him run, fight over, he lost:d

oly one question remains, what to do with an oponent that moves very far backwards eacht time you come in and he's taller so he takes big steps, just come in very explosive and chase him because he will get stuck and he can't counter when he takes such big steps backwards? or..have you guys got better proposals
Stay on him if he runs; you can't fight and backpedal like a madman at the same time. If he's retreating, he's not landing any shots.
or u can wait 4 him 2 come in at u and use head movement and look 4 counterpunches.
Watch how he runs, what way? How is he stepping, when he runs does he drop his arms? Try rushing in going low..

Main thing to do is watch his actions and learn to block / trap him.. This is basic :).. unless your boxing on a football field like others have suggested
Does he want to spar
1.) just to mess around

2.) or does he actually want a learn a little muscle memory/neural connection stuff so that if he ever gets into a fight he might actually through punches instead of freezing up

3.) or does he actually want to learn boxing?

I'd say the first option is probably the only valid reason to be chasing him around the room cause he doesn't know shit about shit. For the second option you probably need to start somewhere else you throwing a lot of punches and him running like a pansy (not much good training there). Third option he should put up the money to go get trained somewhere.

Like I said, if he just want to get plowed and punch somebody convienient, its his loss he forgot to remember his balls.
funny in the future there will be no trashtalking. if you wanna fight someone you just kiss them
If he's sparring and actually wants to improve his technique, he needs to step in and engage. Let him know he'll never get better running away. Also let him know the dangers of showing your back to an opponent.
let him be. if he doesn't want to fight then why'd he ask you to spar?