Open relationships


Purple Belt
Apr 17, 2015
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Would you be in one if you current partner or a future one said they wanted it or were open to it?

There are many kinds and rules people use to make it work, some never sleep with the same person twice, some got a dont ask dont tell policy and things like that.

Personally I dont think I could do it because I'd be worried that my (imaginary) partner would get pregnant with another guy or get a disease that she would then give to me. Also I don't get much out of sex with someone I dont have feelings for, feels almost just like masturbating to me.

Though I will admit I dont got that much experience on the subject and I have never been in a relationship lasting longer than 6 months so never got bored of them physically.

What say you Mayberry?
No...about the only thing I got going for me is that I'm not a total weirdo.
Absolutely not...regardless of what I'm also allowed to do, there's no way I could handle my gf banging other guys while she's with me...
Ive known one couple that did this and it lasted more then most relationships. 10 years strong.

My friend would talk about it all the time. certain places they would go and meet people but it wasnt an all the time thing.

also there were rules of no intimacy, such as no text just that one person, they would meet people bang and get out. often times they would venture out to different cities. Frisco was the hot spot. I dont know why they broke up maybe it was because of this im not sure but sounded fun
I don't consider open relationships real relationships. The concept actually pisses me off.

In fact, if your significant other ever came at you suggesting one, that should be great cause for concern. That just shows that, that person is willing to cheat seeing that faithfulness isn't an important concept to them.

I also don't like the idea of a threesome when one is on a relationship. I would never want another guy banging my GF, especially in front of me ffs. With that logic, on the converse, she should not be okay with me fucking somebody else, otherwise, there's probably something wrong with her.
Yeah when dating an adult actress she fucked other dudes as part of her job and didn't have any problems with me having my fun as long as I "came home." I would say it depends on the woman I'm with. Some I feel that I could never share and others somehow it doesn't feel like a bad thing. Brought it up with another girlfriend before and she was disgusted lol.
How do you know that it lasted 10 years because they had an open relationship?

Honestly i banged his ex years after but i didnt talk to much about their relationship.

More detail is i went to school with both and started working with him after highschool. Wasnt around her to much but i moved away eventually, lost touch with him but started talking to his ex on face book sometime later and we briefly went over her being single and blah blah.

Banged it out and we didnt really talk after that.
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I have a buddy who is a bit of a cuck. He ended up marrying some bitch who cheated on her last husband while he was deployed with the military and everybody knew about it. My dumb ass friend tried to excuse her whore behavior by bashing on her ex and saying he was a porn addict yadda yadda yadda. This buddy of mine and his whore wife actually both ended up enlisting in the military as well and were both deployed at the same time. While they were deployed (surprise, surprise) she ended up fucking another dude. He found out about it and confronted her. She tried to make it okay by saying he could bang other girls too and that they could just have an open relationship. Him being the dipshit cuck that he is went along and agreed with it. The dude I knew before he got with this slut never would have went for something like that. Never. They have 2 kids now and are still together and seem to be in it for the long term or at least that's what the appearance is. The weird thing about it is they are both Mormon and she always posts pictures of them and their kids standing outside of Mormon temples and other mormony shit.
Apparently me and my ex-wife were in an open relationship for years
The weird thing about it is they are both Mormon and she always posts pictures of them and their kids standing outside of Mormon temples and other mormony shit.
Mormons are polygamists so thats really not that weird
I have a buddy who is a bit of a cuck. He ended up marrying some bitch who cheated on her last husband while he was deployed with the military and everybody knew about it. My dumb ass friend tried to excuse her whore behavior by bashing on her ex and saying he was a porn addict yadda yadda yadda. This buddy of mine and his whore wife actually both ended up enlisting in the military as well and were both deployed at the same time. While they were deployed (surprise, surprise) she ended up fucking another dude. He found out about it and confronted her. She tried to make it okay by saying he could bang other girls too and that they could just have an open relationship. Him being the dipshit cuck that he is went along and agreed with it. The dude I knew before he got with this slut never would have went for something like that. Never. They have 2 kids now and are still together and seem to be in it for the long term or at least that's what the appearance is. The weird thing about it is they are both Mormon and she always posts pictures of them and their kids standing outside of Mormon temples and other mormony shit.

When I was younger and crazier, all things would have been possible. Current stage of life...not a chance...normal shit is good..

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