one of "THOSE" nights


Green Belt
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
you've all had just are crap, but tonight was different, not only did i perform like crap, but the only person i had to roll with was a 212lbs. white belt (im about 150lbs.)...who continually got top position and it was IMPOSSIBLE to escape, eh...comments? the heck am i supposed to get out from under someone who weighs so much and knows just enough to hold me there, he makes no movements so i can't do anything, cuz he just lies there with all his weight on me
Simple yet annoying answer to that buddy is just train. I too had a shit night recently & the only thing you can do is train your butt off. Easier said than done. But I had such a pist off feelin with myself I hope it motivates me never to slack.
I hate when huge guys just lean on you and dont if they use technique and their size helps as advantage then all the power to them...jiu jitsu is about overcoming strength with technique. THe only thing i have a problem with is when they just dont move. I'm glad tho because my technique is getting to the point where i can nullify a huge guys L and S (lay and stay).

I take it as good training...if you can pull sweeps and shit off on bigger guys, then when you roll with someone ur size it seems easier...the only thing is you gotta train with people your size to keep urself used to that speed. Ok i'm ranting noww time to stop. Everyone has shit nights...i know what you mean..
Yeah, nothing like somebody with 30-50 pounds on you shifting between side control and N/S for an hour. You just gotta pull your arms in and go to sleep.
MadMonkeyBJJx9 said:
I hate when huge guys just lean on you and dont if they use technique and their size helps as advantage then all the power to them...jiu jitsu is about overcoming strength with technique. THe only thing i have a problem with is when they just dont move. I'm glad tho because my technique is getting to the point where i can nullify a huge guys L and S (lay and stay).

I take it as good training...if you can pull sweeps and shit off on bigger guys, then when you roll with someone ur size it seems easier...the only thing is you gotta train with people your size to keep urself used to that speed. Ok i'm ranting noww time to stop. Everyone has shit nights...i know what you mean..
I second this. I find it near impossible to do anything when a big guy just lays there. It's a stalemate with me in a very uncomfortable position.

So, the idea (easier said than done) is if your smaller try your damnedest to not end up on the bottom. I don't want to leave the outcome of my match up to him. I want to be the one in control of what's happening and when.
I was the smallest guy at my judo club (175 lbs, 5'8") for a couple years.
Here's what I learned, take it or leave it.

#1. When they're in your guard, push them away with your feet on their hips, knees, shins, etc. Do the egg beaters and push them away.
#2. If they somehow start to get close, then shift to a TIGHT closed guard and don't let them move unless you can shift back to #1.
#3. During the transitions between #1 and #2 don't even think about triangle or arm bar (for now). Think only about sweeps. Especially the elevator sweep.
#3. If the guy is going to get a side mount or full mount, give up your back and then Granby Roll of Peterson Roll before the hooks get in.

I've had relative success with the above stuff night after night against the Bluto's of my club.
Dude, I hear ya. I took two weeks off and had a difficult time with a white belt tonight. Although I tapped him a few times, I felt I was not very fluid. I felt pretty rusty to be quite honest with you. Only two weeks off. Damn, I need to improve.
We big guys have difficulties with smaller guys as well!
The weight hampers our cardio and speed and I often find myself having to take a breather when I've finally managed to fight my way past a good guard.
Furthermore guys with short limbs are hard to sub.
This one guy in my club manages to avoid all my sub attempts and I've spent many hours total on top of him without success. Sure, I'd beat him on points but I'm over twice his size and he still manages to frustrate my every attempt.
Furthermore, in my experience the smaller guys learn much faster due to higher tolerance to training and their having the luxury of rolling with someone approximately their size.
And no matter the size difference your legs can still shrimp or buck up from any position to create space.
Zankou said:
Yeah, nothing like somebody with 30-50 pounds on you shifting between side control and N/S for an hour. You just gotta pull your arms in and go to sleep.


I'm thankfully not too light but not too heavy (185#) I get stuck under fatties from time to time, but occasionally get to play the role of the fattie.

You could always just tap to reset, then just do everything to prevent ending up on your back. But if so, just tap again...

I f-cking HATE wasting mat time doing NOTHING productive.
DMcKayBJJ said:

I'm thankfully not too light but not too heavy (185#) I get stuck under fatties from time to time, but occasionally get to play the role of the fattie.

You could always just tap to reset, then just do everything to prevent ending up on your back. But if so, just tap again...

I f-cking HATE wasting mat time doing NOTHING productive.
Thanks for my new sig.
^^^Right on, bro...that'll be $1 every time you use it...haha

(Ironically enough, some would question my level of productivity while on Sherdog, but oh well)
Jiujitsu doesnt always love you back, these are "those" days where you find out how bad you want to be better or just say fuck it and quit
MadMonkeyBJJx9 said:
I hate when huge guys just lean on you and dont if they use technique and their size helps as advantage then all the power to them...jiu jitsu is about overcoming strength with technique. THe only thing i have a problem with is when they just dont move. I'm glad tho because my technique is getting to the point where i can nullify a huge guys L and S (lay and stay).

I take it as good training...if you can pull sweeps and shit off on bigger guys, then when you roll with someone ur size it seems easier...the only thing is you gotta train with people your size to keep urself used to that speed. Ok i'm ranting noww time to stop. Everyone has shit nights...i know what you mean..

Totally agree.. had a training session a few days ago with a dude outweighing me by about 35 pounds.. He just leaned on me and put his elbow down on my ribs for some reason (I guess he tried to cause me enough pain to give my position or hooks away).. Well I got him off me after a few minutes laying there and submitted him with an arm triangle but after training I didn
Zankou said:
You just gotta pull your arms in and go to sleep.

If he does nothing and I can't get an arm or collar, then I do nothing.
Depending on what's going on, I would try to sweep, but I think collar
choke's ur best bet to bait him to defend, then attack the arms or something.
Listen new guys. NEVER lay FLAT on your back. That will help your game alone.
My first 6 months were very unproductive. Almost a waste of time. They made me tough but that's about it. I was 148 in a class of 185-200 lbers. These guys were tying to overpower me for the most part. Now I am in a new class with some smaller opponents. I do not understand the freaking mentality of overpowering an opponent 20 lbs lighter, much less 60. What will you learn?
Stickan_swe said:
Totally agree.. had a training session a few days ago with a dude outweighing me by about 35 pounds.. He just leaned on me and put his elbow down on my ribs for some reason (I guess he tried to cause me enough pain to give my position or hooks away).. Well I got him off me after a few minutes laying there and submitted him with an arm triangle but after training I didn
Zankou said:
Yeah, nothing like somebody with 30-50 pounds on you shifting between side control and N/S for an hour. You just gotta pull your arms in and go to sleep.
man, im a really skinny guy, around 60kg (132lbs) and i had to roll with someone over 120kg (264lbs). he was litterally twice my size. i could attempt whatever the fuck i wanted to, slapped a triangle on, locked it, choking the crap out of him, he just laid on me with all his weight, nearly killing me and breaking my sub. i couldn't do shit.

but then! due to his lack of skill i somehow managed to sweep him and got on top. the fucker nearly stood up with me mounted but i got an armbar in.

the point of this post is fighting bigger guys is a bitch. if he's alot bigger and has very little skill, its still gonna be very hard to beat him.
we have a guy 120-130kg (250 pounds i think) and i am 7x kg... (160lbs?170?)... anyways I usually manage to get his back and choke him. he usually gets bored laying in my guard before i do and i can scramble out..
i usually hold his gi sleeves and push away at his hip... when he falsl forward i sprawl onto him. voil
I'm 220 and I make it a concious effort not to use my weight & strength as a crutch. Performing technique is much more satisfying and less tiring!

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