Shoop One of the most epic photos in the UFC + Caption this photo~

what is this UFC + that you speak of?

is it an app for UFC meme's only, how much per month?
Beep beep.
Man i never realized how good i was at photoshopping. how do i start doing this professionally?

Ohhhh, I thought that was Mike Perry Only.

I say dedicate this thread to Hermie and Jac.
The photo is epic but there's only so much you can do with it. It wouldn't make a good shoop thread. There's only one shoop using that template that's been made in the thread.
Don't let this thread die. We need more of this.

Damn it, even I did two and I suck compared to most members.
"Jacare, will you marry me?"

That's what it looks like.
Adventures of Huckleberry Hermansson