Crime Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked


The Last Iconoclast
Sep 19, 2017
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Who really didn't see this coming?

More and more security holes are appearing in cryptocurrency and smart contract platforms, and some are fundamental to the way they were built.

Early last month, the security team at Coinbase noticed something strange going on in Ethereum Classic, one of the cryptocurrencies people can buy and sell using Coinbase’s popular exchange platform. Its blockchain, the history of all its transactions, was under attack.

A hacker had somehow gained control of more than half of the network’s computing power and was using it to rewrite the transaction history. That made it possible to spend the same cryptocurrency more than once—known as “double spends.” The attacker was spotted pulling this off to the tune of $1.1 million. Coinbase claims that no currency was actually stolen from any of its accounts. But a second popular exchange,, has admitted it wasn’t so lucky, losing around $200,000 to the attacker (who, strangely, returned half of it days later).

Just a year ago, this nightmare scenario was mostly theoretical. But the so-called 51% attack against Ethereum Classic was just the latest in a series of recent attacks on blockchains that have heightened the stakes for the nascent industry....

Are they all built the same way or are some still as secure as they're reputed to be?
This is not a good topic for laymen to discuss lol. Lots of technical knowledge required to even be considered a clueless dumbass. But the tons of security flaws in the ways people use the technology are a good reason to stay the hell away unless you like a gamble.
This is not a good topic for laymen to discuss lol. Lots of technical knowledge required to even be considered a clueless dumbass. But the tons of security flaws in the ways people use the technology are a good reason to stay the hell away unless you like a gamble.
I cannot understand blockchain deeply but I think I can understand some basic concepts and in this particular case it was about a simple concept. Somehow that guy got over 50% computing power. How the fuck did he manage to do it? Is he the communist party of China? I think China controls most blockchain computing power.
Russians looking for something to do after the election.
Are they all built the same way or are some still as secure as they're reputed to be?

There are some fundamental underlying designs patterns that they all share but no, there are dozens and dozens and dozens of different architectures. The technology has serious performance issues when it utilizes the best mechanisms for preventing malicious changes to the underlying transactions, so everyone is trying to engineer more efficient solutions.
I ‘m gonna approach cryptocurrency very cautiously. I’ll start by investing $3.50.
This is not a good topic for laymen to discuss lol. Lots of technical knowledge required to even be considered a clueless dumbass. But the tons of security flaws in the ways people use the technology are a good reason to stay the hell away unless you like a gamble.

Not really, the fundamentals are quite simple. This was foreseeable.
Whats this? No way...I got set upon by the Shertard clique on this same topic just a few weeks back...
It's ok, my funds are safe. I have a lot of bitconnect.
51% attacks aren't new. It's one of the many reasons you don't store large amounts of money on exchanges.

Not your keys, not your crypto.
This is not a good topic for laymen to discuss lol. Lots of technical knowledge required to even be considered a clueless dumbass. But the tons of security flaws in the ways people use the technology are a good reason to stay the hell away unless you like a gamble.

I'm one of the smartest people here and I don't know fuck all about it

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