On an awkward scale of 1-10 this is infinity


Adamantium Belt
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
Random video popped up and looked interesting so I decided to check it out. It's about a 27 year old dude looking to kiss a girl for the first time. Oh my god, the utter cringe! The utter humiliation. The awkwardness is unbearable.


First time sex. Does he know how to find the vagina? Will they film it?
He can download the instruction manual.
I've seen worse first time kissers, this wasn't as bad. But still very terrible.
Meh such is life in the zone

Next time will be better
I dunno, nobodys born a pro and everyone has their own pace. When I got laid for the 1st time I had a bit of trouble with laser guidance of the missile, plus she wasnt,ermm, warmed up enough which made it twice awkward. But it got solved, though,never again doing it in a car.
It was painful that he fucked up with the Asian chick. She was super super hot.
I watched this without the sound on... well, didn't even watch it, just skimmed through the video really fast... and all I saw was a mack-daddy pimp kissing multiple women, what's the problem?
What's his sherdog username?