Omega 3 or 6 for fish oil?


Orange Belt
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Talked to a nutritionist at my gym yesturday and he said its better to take Omega 6 fish oil becuse its higher and you can get all thats in omega 3 from basic foods you would eat anyway. Anyone know?
Are you sure you haven't got the 3 and 6 the wrong way around.

If he's a gym 'nutritionist' it wouldn't surprise he got it the wrong way around though
It's the exact opposite like Ian said... and where the hell do you get omega 6 fish oil at? You got your shit backwards dude.
That guy is full of shit. In the modern diet, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is anywhere between 15-1 and 20-1. In the environment humans evolved to live in, it was apx 2-1. REAL nutritionist researchers (not the guy who gave you that bad information) suggest a diet of 3-1 omega-3/oomega-6 is optimal.

So in short....don't increase your omega-6, you're already getting it. Increase omega-3.
Or just take Fish Oil so everything is covered??
lol seems funny that theres a difference when the number is just the place of the double bond in the carbon chain