Oma Plata


Yellow Belt
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
I was in a tournament this weekend and was fighting a physically strong opponent. From gaurd i managed to put him in a oma plata, had my hand over his back and was leaning forward to finish it when he just postured straight up so he was now only on his kness (as opposed to on 4 points, or three as the case may be, since i had one arm wrapped in the oma plata). My question is, how do you prevent someone from posturing up off of 4(3) point s when you are trying to sink the oma plata in?
One hand over their back, the other holding (or applying lifting pressure to) their arm between your legs.
Try to put your head next to theirs, ear to ear, to put pressure on the shoulder and to keep your weight down. You can also get head and arm control ala Nino Schembri and pull him in to submit. Even if he postures up, if you've got your arms around him and hands C-clamped, you can sub him.
Dr. BadAss said:
Try to put your head next to theirs, ear to ear, to put pressure on the shoulder and to keep your weight down. You can also get head and arm control ala Nino Schembri and pull him in to submit. Even if he postures up, if you've got your arms around him and hands C-clamped, you can sub him.

Couple things here will have to try and watch out for. I didnt have my arm clamped, i simple had on arm over so when he postured i fell off. I also have not tried it with arm and head control. i have managed to pull off a choke from there, but when i looked for it that time he had his arm and sholder protecting his neck. Never thought i could still grab the arm and head, although looking back now i probably could have.

Ill give it a try tonight if i can and let you know how it works out.

Snar said:
Couple things here will have to try and watch out for. I didnt have my arm clamped, i simple had on arm over so when he postured i fell off. I also have not tried it with arm and head control. i have managed to pull off a choke from there, but when i looked for it that time he had his arm and sholder protecting his neck. Never thought i could still grab the arm and head, although looking back now i probably could have.

Ill give it a try tonight if i can and let you know how it works out.


Yeah, you can also do an Ezekiel choke from there. Jacare showed it to us in a seminar. also, if he postures and you feel yourself falling off, try and switch to triangle.
Try to move slightly up and to your front, as in with upper body to the front. More of your weight to keep him down via his arm
Snar said:
I was in a tournament this weekend and was fighting a physically strong opponent. From gaurd i managed to put him in a oma plata, had my hand over his back and was leaning forward to finish it when he just postured straight up so he was now only on his kness (as opposed to on 4 points, or three as the case may be, since i had one arm wrapped in the oma plata). My question is, how do you prevent someone from posturing up off of 4(3) point s when you are trying to sink the oma plata in?

if you cant land the shoulder lock you can do a wrist lock
Hold on to his side with the hand thats on the same side your leg is crankin his shoulder and lean in to him
I tend to turn in to look for gogoplata or a triangle when that happens, to prevent it the most important thing is to get your weight over their shoulder, if you stay t5oo far back then they can get the leverage to sit up.
He postured because you sat up to soon.
The leg that is through his arm must be straitened and kicked to floor to flatten him out.. As he goes down it will be easy for you to sit up. If your struggling to sit up before that time he and can push you back down because you do not have the right leverage.
Did he still have his wrist in front of his body? If so, I haven't run into anybody that can stop me from posturing out of an omoplata (although wouldn't be surprised to find somebody). In fact, it's the core of my defensive game against good guard players (when they go for triangle keep my trapped arm clamped down so they can't finish and feed them an omoplata, which I will eventually escape to a superior position or at least a scramble). There just isn't enough leverage to stop somebody from posturing unless you've put him flat on his belly.
i dont have a problem flattening them out.. if they posture you go back to the triangle.
without chaining submissions together you wont finish hardly any.
I love the omoplata more for the opportunities it provides for other submissions than for the omoplata sumbission itself. You have to grab the belt or over their back--that should at least prevent them from getting on both knees and posturing up. If they resist, fight just a little. Then, loosen up your legs slightly and turn towards their head. As they come back into your guard, explosively swing your leg over their arm and head to go for triangle. When you bring leg over, make a wide arc with your leg so that it is hard for him to catch your leg. If he catches your leg, the move is over.

The other thing I like to do is to have their leg underhooked with my arm. When they resist, do omoplata sweep (roll them over you and end in side control-your back will be on their stomach, so you must rotate). The other variation of the omoplata sweep is to roll backwards over your shoulder while securing their arm. If you roll backwards, it is easy to get triangle or just establish side control. This move is actually on the Tinguinha Mariano spider guard dvd--cool move.
Most of the things that I wanted to suggest have already been mentioned: Underhooking the leg to try to stretch him out, switching off to triangle, etc.

You could also try to do a backwards somersault, one hand on the ground and your head turned out away from him, and knock him over backwards. The timing is tough on that one, but if you get it right it feels effortless

Stephan Kesting
I just ordered your DVD on this sub Stephan ... the omoplata is fast joining the triangle as my favorite sub. I'm finding it hard to imagine how I could have a good guard game without it!
Stephan Kesting said:
Most of the things that I wanted to suggest have already been mentioned: Underhooking the leg to try to stretch him out, switching off to triangle, etc.

You could also try to do a backwards somersault, one hand on the ground and your head turned out away from him, and knock him over backwards. The timing is tough on that one, but if you get it right it feels effortless

Stephan Kesting

When people underhook my leg i use it as an escape. If im in omo plata and i give it to them and try to jump over their body.. Every time i do it people hook my leg.
If someone ever underhooks your leg reach under neath and grab their wrist.. Then just front flip forward has hard as you can. and lock the figure 4 as you do. now you have them in an omo plata.