Oliveira put a beating on Khabib

Oliveira destroys Felder
Jiu-Jitsu didn't work

As expected, people are going to overrate Oliveira now. It was a great comeback, but let’s not pretend like that was an amazing performance. He was in big, big trouble in that fight. Got tagged hard twice and lost then back mount. He looked beatable. Not taking anything away from him, but let’s just be real. He’s a great fighter, but far from unbeatable and I think any of the top 5 could give him problems.
Of the two, one has been beat multiple times and looks very beatable even in wins.

The other never lost, never got rocked, and never looked beatable.
outside of fighting the goat, gleison tibia.
Disagree. Charles is the better striker, better submission grappler, longer, younger, and has proven the heart that used to be questionable. There's a reason Khabib retired, and it had nothing to do with mummy.

Yeah he was afraid of Tony Ferguson according to you guys.
Don't just favor one side though. That other is very one dimensional, and that dimension plays right into Charles' game. Half of his fights are decisions. Charles has more UFC finishes than Khabib has UFC wins. He's a better striker, better submisison grappler, rangier, and younger. Far more exciting fighter. Fights way more often than Khabib. Doesn't rely on decisions like Khabib. And Khabib has one loss, if we go by what happened in the cage rather than what happened on the scorecards. Tibau beat him. Cage > scorecards.

Your hot take is a steaming hot dump. Khabib has really done a number on you.
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Khabib would smash him on the ground. His BJJ is great but Khabib's top control is better.
I don't wanna see the folded Ol'ive via smesh one more time
lol he got a lucky win because chandler's chin is gone, khabib would eat him
I've been saying for a long while Oliveira is the most interesting matchup for Khabib. With Tony it was "maybe if it goes to rest 4 and 5 Khabib might tire out" and with Gaethje it all depended on him being able to defend takedowns. With Oliveira though he's actually dangerous af on the ground and has power in his hands as well. Khabib doesn't want anything to do with him.
Wow. No. IF, Khabib were to lose....it would be from getting KO'd by a good striker in the first/second round, a good bjj guy would likely just get pressed up against the cage and pounded for 5 rounds.
Olivera has a shot. A better shot than most because of his bjj and he does have power in his hands. Ill give him that. Khabib could take him down at will though and has great top control, the best top control maybe ever. Plus khabibs submission game is no joke either. Id lean in favor of khabib but wouldnt be overly shocked if olivera won.
I always knew it, it was clear like water even before that fight

Khabib always said he would comeback if someone show something interesting

What do he need more honestly?

If he dont comeback = he is scarred to death

come and bang bro, stop eatin loukoum and getting fat you just 33 bro, who retire at 32 ?!
Khabib is an unbeatable fighter, losers and weirdos so mad that he retired
Charles sure did prove his ground credentials by subbing Chandler whilst having his back, OH WAIT.
I think his ground credentials have been proven by having the most subs in the ufc
Huh? I like Conor. Who mentioned Conor?

Mentally weak troll. Just let us know the name of your next account so we can avoid you after this account gets banned.
If not Conor, then how else do we explain it? Was it just my post that did a number on you? We should work out what upset you, what prevented you from just responding reasonably and rationally to my post by refuting it, and what had you instead calling me names. I'm here to help.
If not Conor, then how else do we explain it? Was it just my post that did a number on you? We should work out what upset you, what prevented you from just responding reasonably and rationally to my post by refuting it, and what had you instead calling me names. I'm here to help.

Bro you said Oliveira was a better submission grappler than Khabib. Trolls don't get reasonable responses, why waste my time?

Most subs in UFC history, that's great. You talk about me only seeing one side of things, which is just you projecting-- you're blatantly ignoring submission losses and times out grappled by opponent.

Charles is a good fighter, good enough to be paper champion until Dustin or Conor or JG do to him what has been done to him before by Pettis, Miller, Felder, Lamas, Holloway, Edgar, Swanson, Cerrone.