Old Sherdog


Steel Belt
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Does anyone have any screenshots of "old Sherdog"?

I remember when new Sherdog came on, this forum almost went into meltdown.

I can't remember what it used to look like.

Yeah, I remember feeling very disoriented by the change. I can vaguely see the old page in my minds eye but have no visual to offer, sorry TS.
Funny how you forget the changes.
I have this old screenshot

Took me a couple weeks to get on board with it. In retrospect, it was the right move.
remember in the first week of the switch over where white belts had mod status lol
Good old quality times

The format changes, the trolls remain the same so you hardly noticed.

Nah, we lost a lot of good posters around the forum switch.

On topic: I've gotten used to this new format, but still liked the old layout better. The old site was starting to run like shit tho. This one ran pretty crappy in the beginning too, but they've improved much of that over the past year imo. Hope they keep it up.
Allison Stokke tread circa 2007


I was a long time lurker before joining then getting my OG profile banned for talking shit about that PED user Sonnen.
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