Just reflecting energies, with your pathetic crying about a guy's personality that you don't even know. You have any idea how affected you sound, making such hand-wavey judgements and trivial complaints?
And if your son wasn't estranged from your deadbeat ass, maybe he'd teach you how to Google or use social media to find the information you constantly lack. It has nothing to do with popularity. It has everything to do with you acting like you didn't hear someone say something until you heard something else happen, so therefore A caused B. It's literally one of the most common logical fallacies we have, and yet here you stand, being the fallacy that you are. I told you it didn't happen and yet you couldn't say one word against that to support yourself. Once again, all you've got is complaining, like the crotchety bitch ya are
Who's depressed? I enjoy both educating and insulting people, so I revel in the chance to do both. Thank you for this. For instance, I get to correct your special snowflake thinking that your opinion makes you stand out, when in actuality, the reason you're alone here is because you're factually wrong. And I already told you why, but I will give you a second chance to read it, since, I know it must be tough to absorb knowledge with that learning disability ya got
Good? Now go ahead and bring some evidence in contention to that, instead of just dipping into the long list of insults you've got from conversations past that you definitely deserved