OJ case and the black america


White Belt
Jan 9, 2016
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I watched the OJ Simpson documentary on ESPN. It’s incredible how the black jurors are dumb and dishonest. OJ didn't even hang out with blacks, he liked his rich white buddies much more. The most disgusting part of the documentary for me was when the leaders of the black churches tried to defend OJ. Absolutely disgusting! The cheer of the black community after OJ was acquitted hit a new low.


I found this in the dailymail link:

"Here's a pathetic example of why OJ got off: I knew a LA attorney (unrelated to the case but knew a lot about it) who at the time told me the prosecution was so sure they had a "slam-dunk" case that they arrogantly allowed for the case to be tried in downtown LA (when it could have and SHOULD have been tried in Santa Monica, which would have yielded a completely different jury and demographic); so ultimately the jury chosen decided OJ's fate. Afterward, at a press conference, one of the jurors who'd acquitted OJ was asked by a journalist, "but what about the DNA evidence?" to which the juror replied, "so what? Lots of people have the same blood type." THE JUROR(S) DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT DNA WAS."

Does this mean we weren't all supposed to cheer like jackals when he was found not guilty or what? I need to be told how to feel.
There was no need for a documentary to tell us any of that. It was painfully obvious to anyone who was an adult at the time.
I remember the news stories. Even in Canada, verdict read, whites booed and blacks cheered

Having the racist cop write a screen on framing a black dude did not help I am sure.

Contrary to popular belief things have not gotten worse they just have not changed like some had hoped for (Thanks Obama).

Anyone remember the dancing Ito's

Go to 1:00 skip the dumb gilligen shit

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I think TS wants us to know several times a day how much he doesn't like black people.

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I wouldn't say black people were happy he got off, I think they liked the idea of a man getting off after the police tampered with key evidence.
Concussions ruined OJ's brain. The NFL has blood on it's hands.

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