Crime Ohio Haitian Migrants eating Local Geese, Ducks and Family Pets

Why do people want to live in a better country?


How exactly did Tommy Wiseau make millions of dollars? It's obvious that he had to make his money first. Afterwards, he funded his movie (The Room).

How exactly did Tommy Wiseau make millions of dollars? It's obvious that he had to make his money first. Afterwards, he funded his movie (The Room).

Nobody knows for sure, several theories exist.. some hilarious, some less so.

My opinion is that he managed to swindle some old rich broad into signing him into her will.
Nobody knows for sure, several theories exist.. some hilarious, some less so.

My opinion is that he managed to swindle some old rich broad into signing him into her will.

Ah, yes. One of the many strategies that Lex Luthor has implemented over the years. Superman Returns (2006 movie) showed that Get Wealthy Quickly Scam.

In that movie, Kevin Spacey portrays Lex Luthor. One of his many crimes was that he swindled, cheated, and lied his way into the Last Will and Testament of a wealthy chick (that was a dinosaur) that was close to dying. In the movie, she died at the very beginning.
It wasn't meant to be a burn, Jack. Sorry for coming in too strong.

You need to step away from charts and numbers to realize the differences between normal immigration and what has been happening in the last years. The US and Canada have entered uncharted waters.

Springfield brought in 15k-18k migrants. Are you telling we have a lot of data on such a thing? Why do you ignore this? Could you please read the article.

The mayor of New York says the city has an immigration problem? We're talking about bloody NY. Are you saying he's lying?
How about you compare that number with the number of people who did not return to work after being off during the pandemic?

First, can't comment on Canada at all. : Cities like Montreal have been hit hard. The resources aren't there and it's a problem.

Second, immigration (all, including illegal) went up in 2021 and 2022, and then fell a lot in 2023, and more this year (full data not in).: Very interesting. I didn't know that.

Also, the scares about the numbers are just wildly out of line with serious estimates.: Also interesting, but doesn't take into account big cities getting messed with for political reasons like Chicago and NY. It also doesn't take into account small cities like Springfield. This might be the area where I have the problems with your analytic mind. I feel -and I might be 100% wrong- you always look at the big picture and forget about the rest.

I think a policy can generate positive numbers for the country and still be bad because it leaves too many people suffering. Women and men care about making a living and providing for their family. These are hard times for many of them.

Look at the economy. You've said -I'm paraphrasing here- it's one of the best time to be an American. You don't think many Americans would disagree with you when they struggle to put food on the table? Can't afford proper housing?

But it's also caused wages to go up and generally strengthened the local economy: But what % of the population profited from this? The Haitian workers fled a war torn country and now they're getting exploited.

and note that Haitians in Springfield are legal: I referred to them as migrants.

but carries cultural downsides and short-term strain on public finances along with long-term benefits: Are you sure it's going to short-term for Chicago, NY, Springfield and others?

Your article had an interesting link on Mexican immigrants in the United States btw.

Quote from the article:
While Mexicans remain the largest group of immigrants in the United States, accounting for about 24 percent of the 45.3 million foreign-born residents in the country as of 2021, their numbers have been shrinking for more than a decade.

I'm going to have to read it tomorrow since I'm dead tired and my brain is mush.

See you tomorrow.

That spike ties in precisely with what I'm talking about. Post pandemic there were worker shortages all over the place and those positions needed feeling to help the economy recover.

Someone should point this out to that racist pissbelt who was saying Democrats are traitors to their country for bringing in migrant labour.
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Psychotic is thinking the only reason to move to a different Country is hatred of your own.

I've watched youtube videos that said that gangs and federal criminals have controlled basically all of Haiti for the past 120 years. Maybe more than 120 years.

Not even folks from Haiti want to live in Haiti. Why should I?
Look, working class people that aren't complete retards!

Harris was the tie-breaking vote that secured pensions, a bill which benefitted the Teamsters more than any other Union. Any Teamsters that support Republicans knowing their anti-Union voting records are woefully misguided. They'd vote for a company man to lead them.
I've watched youtube videos that said that gangs and federal criminals have controlled basically all of Haiti for the past 120 years. Maybe more than 120 years.

Not even folks from Haiti want to live in Haiti. Why should I?

While I respect anyone with a geopolitical education provided by YouTube, I'd suggest watching some videos on WHY Haiti has been controlled by either "gangs" (which is what we call their freedom fighters in the US to demonize them), or by puppet Governments for the last 120 years. That being said a Country being in Civil Conflict does not mean that the people from there dont feel patriotic about their own Country. This is the old "if you love _____ so much then why are you here?" notion that people usually go to whenever they see someone with another Country's flag. You're allowed to love your Country without living there.
Harris was the tie-breaking vote that secured pensions, a bill which benefitted the Teamsters more than any other Union. Any Teamsters that support Republicans knowing their anti-Union voting records are woefully misguided. They'd vote for a company man to lead them.
Yup, it makes me fucking sick to hear blue collar workers disparage Democrats when the Democrats are the only thing that saved them. Fucking wild that they would completely ignore this because libz of tiktok made a tweet or Matt Walsh doesn't know what a woman is.
Microsoft is an investor in OpenAI. You're using ChatGPT no matter what Microsoft calls it. Just FTR.
Them being an investor doesn't mean their AI is using theirs under the hood. I would be surprised if chatGPT would allow something like that. But I guess I don't know enough about it to say for sure.
Them being an investor doesn't mean their AI is using theirs under the hood. I would be surprised if chatGPT would allow something like that. But I guess I don't know enough about it to say for sure.

Powered by fine-tuned versions of OpenAI’s models (OpenAI and Microsoft have a close working relationship), Copilot can perform a range of tasks described in natural language, like writing poems and essays, as well as translating text into other languages and summarizing sources from around the web (albeit imperfectly).
