Crime Ohio Haitian Migrants eating Local Geese, Ducks and Family Pets

LOL you believed that dumb as fuck pee tape but when Blacks voice their concerns you expect FBI DNA evidence. I think the explanation for that is pretty obvious. How often do you use the "Uncle Tom" slur?

The man's skin color has zero to do with whether his claim is credible. I think you know that, but you're just having a hard time admitting you are wrong.

This desperate whataboutism and deflection from the topic isn't going to change how dumb you've made yourself look in this thread.

Like I said 60+ pages ago when it became clear the photo of the man carrying the goose, and the cat eating lady video weren't related to Springfield, or Haitian immigrants...all you had to do was admit you were duped and move on. It would have gone much better for you.
You don't even have to be that hateful or bigoted to buy into a dumb rumor. For most people this discourse has virtually no stakes and so they will be quick to believe something dumb. Its like believing in Bigfoot or aliens, if you're wrong who cares? Except in this case someone does ultimately suffer and that's the Haitians but the people spreading the rumors don't see that first hand.
Except when we're talking about this dumb rumour.
The man's skin color has zero to do with whether his claim is credible. I think you know that, but you're just having a hard time admitting you are wrong.

This desperate whataboutism and deflection from the topic isn't going to change how dumb you've made yourself look in this thread.

Like I said 60+ pages ago when it became clear the photo of the man carrying the goose, and the cat eating lady video weren't related to Springfield, or Haitian immigrants...all you had to do was admit you were duped and move on. It would have gone much better for you.
I've already addressed all that like million times. Stop being racist.
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I've already addresses all that like million times. Stop being racist.

You didn't address anything. You were presented with the actual facts about the picture you claimed was a "Haitian looking" man (your words, speaking of racists) holding a goose and then declared you didn't care about them.

You were backed into a corner so badly the only argument you were left with was one an elementary school child would make. And that was how you "addressed" this, instead of just eating crow.
Not just that, current immigrants actually assimilate just as fast as previous immigrants (aka, the good kind of immigrants, aka, white ones)

This was a study done by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, carried out by the top immigration scholars in the country.

The anti side really don't have a leg to stand on. Unless it's just good ol' bigotry. Look, it just fucking bothers me to see all these brown and black faces around. I hate so many Spanish and hip hop stations on the radio, and it irks me to hear non-English languages (even though current immigrants learn English at the same OR EVEN FASTER rate than previous immigrants, like the above study shows) at stores, restaurants, or just down the street. Plus, the chances that my daughter fucks and breeds with one of these darkies rises every year.

In that case, yeah, they have a good argument. Immigration will inevitably increase all those things.
That is paywall’d not taking your word on it, and they probably mixed the well off legal immigrants into that stat …..
Capitalism always seeks cheap labor. Where they get it from can vary. During the 50s, there was a huge amount of internal migration from the US south, especially by black Americans.

But overall, there was less migration, that's true. But the 30s-50s is small pause in almost 200 years of mass migration to the US.

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Do you do the hypoallergenic breeds?


I just lock them out of my bedroom and have abandoned my couch as a death trap.

It's a mild allergy but annoying as hell.

Worth it, though.

Buster and Merl.

Vance straight up said that he is willing to lie if it means to bring attention to other issues. I mean it don't get much more plain than that. He said this on Sunday. I don't know how he is going to get re-elected in Ohio if this presidential election fails doing stuff like this to his home constituents.

Watch about 2 minutes of this video from the copied point and it becomes pretty obvious what Vance is doing. Also, immigration to Springfield, Ohio started before Biden even took office. I don't know where this talk about it being the VP's fault even came from.

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That is paywall’d not taking your word on it, and they probably mixed the well off legal immigrants into that stat …..

Yes, it was a study on "immigrants," not a specific type.

When comparing to immigrants from the past, they also grouped everyone together from that time period so the comparison is apples-to-apples.
Watch about 2 minutes of this video from the copied point and it becomes pretty obvious what Vance is doing. Also, immigration to Springfield, Ohio started before Biden even took office. I don't know where this talk about it being the VP's fault even came from.

He said the quiet part out loud,crazy, the douche admits he'll make up stories to rile up his rube base .

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