Odin Sphere Leifthrasir


Black Belt
Dec 25, 2015
Reaction score
Game was dope on PS2, they revamped it and it comes out next week. Early reviews are looking really good.

Never played it when it first came out, but wanted to. Definitely going to get it.

Just bought Dragon's Crown last week, finally, and really enjoying it.
Really looking forward to this. Like SAFTA I never got to play it on PS2 but this remaster looks way too good to pass up.
I'm going to have to check out the original. I love that artwork style.
Yeah there is this and another Japanese game with a similar looking art style coming out in June, Grand Kingdom and I preorderd both of them
Yeah there is this and another Japanese game with a similar looking art style coming out in June, Grand Kingdom and I preorderd both of them

Damn thanks for the heads up on Grand Kingdom, just checked it out and it looks awesome!
I've been playing it a lot this past week. It's really good. I thought it would be fun but it's turning out to be better than I expected. It's gameplay is also a lot deeper than it appears at first.
I just started Velvet's chapter. Game is so much smoother than it was on ps2.
Was gonna buy this on psn but it's like £55 fuck paying that for a remastered ps2 game.
Was gonna buy this on psn but it's like £55 fuck paying that for a remastered ps2 game.

You're saying that because you know it was a PS2 game. If you didn't you'd think it was a PS4 game. It's a good game with legs (I'm 21 hours in so far). At least give it a rent down the line.
You're saying that because you know it was a PS2 game. If you didn't you'd think it was a PS4 game. It's a good game with legs (I'm 21 hours in so far). At least give it a rent down the line.

I'm just having a moan, i probably will cave in, i've had my eye on it for a while. was just took back by the price, was expecting it to be around £30-40.
Was gonna buy this on psn but it's like £55 fuck paying that for a remastered ps2 game.
I never played it before so I can say for me it is definitely worth it. There is a lot of value in the game and it's really fun. I also looks good like a modern game, so they didn't do a half assed job porting it.
Yeah i caved in, you guys convinced me. downloading now.
Fuck - spent forever beating the Armageddon chapter only to be told I didn't finish it in order, and as a result got the bad ending. At least they let you try the chapter over.
Finally got the good ending last night. Still have to unlock the 2 bonus secret scenes. Was considering platting the game until I realized one trophy is for beating boss rush mode. Eff that madness.
Im about 15 hours in and this is definitely my type of game. I love the combat and skill tree. The artwork is really good too. I've just started the Pooka Princes story.

As soon as i started playing i was like 90% sure that This was the same devs that made Dust An Elysian Tale. The games are so similar. Turns out Vanillaware didnt make it though.

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