Huge money to be made on Mayweather.
Huge Conor fan but Floyd would probably knock him out even faster with the MMA gloves.
Conor was faster in 1st 2 rounds. And he couldn't kick those skinny legs when Floyd turtled up
Conor was faster in 1st 2 rounds. And he couldn't kick those skinny legs when Floyd turtled up
Conor vs FloydHuge money to be made on Mayweather.
Huge Conor fan but Floyd would probably knock him out even faster with the MMA gloves.
He's going to face plant coming forward when that leg feels a shin connectFloyd was pacing himself because he understands championship boxing.
In MMA he can just blitz him for the KO easily.
Conor vs Floyd
Mayweather manhandled Conor in the clinch. If anything a Mayweather submission is more likely.