Oatmeal - Eating it raw



Is there any reason you shouldn't eat Oatmeal raw?

I'm thinking about chewing on a cup of oatmeal on my drive to work in the morning. When oatmeal is dried and uncooked you can just poor it out of a little container.

My drive is over an hour so I like to eat on my way there and back.

Any reason this should be avoided?
A quick google search hits this page: http://www.formerfatguy.com/articles/oatmeal/oats.asp

With this excerpt from an Oat FAQ:

1. Can I eat oats RAW? Yes. They will not be as "sweet" as cooked oats, because heat breaks down the starch in oats into a sugar, but if you like them that way, they still have the same nutritional value. The fact is that you can add rolled oats into water that is no hotter than 110 degrees and they will still be considered "raw", i.e. a live food with all it's enzymes intact to aid in digestion and nutritional assimlation.
I think its something you'd do once, and then never again. I think the first bite will be like "hhmm.. not to bad." Then you will be choking it down by the last bite. I don't see how that would be good.
Raw and cooked both have their specific advantages/purposes.
I once tried putting oatmeal in a coffee grinder, so I can mix it with my shake.

All I can say is, EWWW. Way too thick.

I also tried the same thing with peanuts.....it was worst.
i have non cooked oats in tap water al the time. great quick way to get a meal of complex carbs in. add some natural honey and it's simply awsome.
Raw oatmeal->
spoonfull, then gulp of milk
repeat 5-7 times
works everytime
Google is nice but some times you perfer to know that training athletes have been down the road you are headed.

I always have about a half gallon of water with me + 1-5 gallons in the trunk so I don't think the mouth getting dry would be a problem.

As far as taste goes... I eat my oat meal plain, unflavored. Ever since I ate raw Hydrolyzed Whey 520 flavor doesn't bother me much. It doesn't get any worse than that.
aside from the taste and gag factor, I don't think there's much of a difference. If that's the way you like to eat it...good luck.
I do it all the time and love that shit especially when sucking weight
raw tuna fish right out of the can is good shit too but thats besides the point
i do it quite a bit. tastes pretty good with some peanut butter.
wrestlintitan said:
raw tuna fish right out of the can is good shit too but thats besides the point

Yeah, but I get a little sick of the taste after a while. Sometimes I mix some wasabi and a little lite soy in with it. Basically sushi without the rice at that point.
olny if your digestive system isnt used to it
So Valgarv....have you started eating the oats raw in your car and how long did you stick with it?
Grady said:
So Valgarv....have you started eating the oats raw in your car and how long did you stick with it?

HAHA! Exactly what I was just going to type. I'm very curious.
dudes i have been eating 1 cup of raw oatmeal every morning for like 5 months. all you do is get yourself a plastic cup and a glass of water or milk. put the oatmeal in the plastic cup and squeeze the rim into a v shape and pour a shit load in your mouth then wash it down with the water or milk. i crush a cup of oatmeal raw in like 3 minutes.
Try grinding the oats in a blender, food processor, or coffee grinder.

I grind raw oats & add them to my protein shakes, works like a charm. Its great for a full meal replacement, without having to spend a lot of money on Met/Rx or other supplements.

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