

Purple Belt
Nov 23, 2005
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I was wondering if anyone could advise me as to what are the best nuts to eat? I am looking to cut 4kgs in the next 5 weeks for an upcoming BJJ tournament and I will start to cut out carbs after 7pm. However, my training is in the evening and when I get home at 11pm I am starving. I always have a whey protein shake before bed, but I was wondering whether it would be ok to eat nuts and maybe some seeds at this hour. I have started eating almonds because I have heard they are good but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Cheers
I've heard almonds are P4P the healthiest nut, but walnuts and chashews are also very good for you.
And dont forget Peanuts, Peanut Butter, and/or Almond Butter.

Some people say nuts contain too much fat, but it is actually good fat, so if you eat them in moderation you're good to go.
Care to elaborate?

He's implying all of them. I've heard some bad things about peanuts though.

I love brazil nuts. Those are really good, but don't know where to find a bag of them without the shells.
all nuts are healthful to my knowledge. i end up eating the most peanuts just due to the fact that they're dirt cheap. they can pack a caloric wallop though, so even though they're good calories i think it's more important for you to keep track of your calories than to pick the particular kind of nut thought to contain the best lipid profile or whatever.

also, you may want to try raw peanuts. they have a kind of earthy flavor to them that's completely different from roasted peanuts. IMO the taste isn't as good, but i don't eat as many of them, and some people will clai that raw = better in terms of nutrients, althogh who knows in this case.

oh, and yes i'm aware the peanuts aren't actually nuts. they're very similar though.
Almonds and Cashews FTW!
I constantly snack on them throughout the day about twice a day.
Macadamia nuts, hands down. They have the best ratio of O3:O6; walnuts are a close second. Pretty much every other type of nut has an overwhelming ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, save for almonds, coconut, and peanuts, which have zero omega-3 content. It's not a huge deal, especially if eaten in small amounts.

The peanuts I would avoid entirely, as per discussed threads; I generally stick to macadmia, walnut, cashews as raw snacks, and occasional sliced almonds or sesame seeds in salads.
Thanks for the replies. Everyone's input has been useful. Are nuts ok to eat late at night though?
Macadamia nuts, hands down. They have the best ratio of O3:O6; walnuts are a close second. Pretty much every other type of nut has an overwhelming ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, save for almonds, coconut, and peanuts, which have zero omega-3 content. It's not a huge deal, especially if eaten in small amounts.

The peanuts I would avoid entirely, as per discussed threads; I generally stick to macadmia, walnut, cashews as raw snacks, and occasional sliced almonds or sesame seeds in salads.

Damn, I thought I was doing good with my giant bag of raw almonds and my cashew butter. Guess I need to go back to Vitamin Cottage :rolleyes: