Now that Colby Beta'd Mike Perry...


Brown Belt
Dec 5, 2017
Reaction score
Can we stop with this Platinum Nation nonsense?

We have an actual guy who wins fights in Colby Covington and we're wasting time on a journeyman.

Colby is the hero sherdog needs but doesnt deserve.
Can we stop with this Platinum Nation nonsense?

We have an actual guy who wins fights in Colby Covington and we're wasting time on a journeyman.

Colby is the hero sherdog needs but doesnt deserve.

Colby fanboys, make Perry’s seem refined, and well mannered.
#NerdBash2018 #HorseFacedRatchet #TyquilBGoneMakeWWGreatAgain
Hi Colby - nice to see your 10th Sherdog account.
Colby disposed of Platinum Nation like the trash that they are.


P.S. some of you are still my boyl
Can we stop with this Platinum Nation nonsense?

We have an actual guy who wins fights in Colby Covington and we're wasting time on a journeyman.

Colby is the hero sherdog needs but doesnt deserve.
you dont 'beta' someone over Twitter .. lol
Can we stop with this Platinum Nation nonsense?

We have an actual guy who wins fights in Colby Covington and we're wasting time on a journeyman.

Colby is the hero sherdog needs but doesnt deserve.

Many of you may have seen from some of my posts that I am no plat nation guy, but this seems pretty stupid

If plat nation wants to be plat nation then that's their deal. The fact there's still a plat nation has made me like them a tad more. At the very least it's not a bandwagon movement like most. There are just actual mike perry fans, period.

And when plat says stupid shit I will have fun taking cracks at it. But by all means platinum nation is platinum nation so long as they want.

They've proven to not be a bandwagon deal and that seems to be what you lament

That or you're just on that Covington d I guess

Covingtons an asshole but isn't likable like Conor. is normal people aren't fans.
between watching paint dry and colby fight,i would choose paint dry all day...

same goes for usman along with some other diamonds like ryan hall
The Platinum One would destroy that douchelord in a street fight. No pressure.
Perry looks like a douche, but he has entertaining fights and does seem like a little bit less of an asshole than you would think judging by his looks.
Colby on the other hand is just an asshole