Not the first time Joe Schilling has done this on camera...

Yeah maybe. Its just too set-up to have happened organically(?). I dunno. If it is real, there is nothing heroic in that exchange. Viva Maine.
It definitely looks premeditated and the fact that Joe has it to post on his IG makes it look that much worse. A pro fighter shouldn’t be going around beating up normies, because the whole point of martial arts is to have morals and to be smart with what you have learned. With low IQ guys like this, it makes the sport look terrible, training people to beat up the civilian populace. Even Rampage was like the fact that he knew he could whoop everyone’s ass, made him not want to do it, because of how easy it is. Best bet is to laugh it off and walk away. Sure that takes a while to learn, but schilling is nearing 40. He should know already.
Telling you this we have alot of keiki at my gym and if i caught someone in the bathroom lockerrooms or showers messing around with a dildo or masturbating i would have dragged them out of the gym as well. The man was let in the gym to shower. Seems like they had no issue with that until several kids and members at the gym said the guy was in there doing that sick stuff. Not the place for it dont care if your gay or whatever. Being in a place of business where there are children present or around is 1000% unacceptable. I would have removed that person as well. The bar situation is completely different from this situation. Joe was a patron of the bar if the owners had a issue with the guy they should have removed him or called the police. They have a duty to their customers to protect them just like Joe has a duty to his customers, students and their families to keep that kind of behavior out of the gym. The gym is supposed to be a safe place. Not some place where people are performing sex acts on themselves in the locker rooms.
Joe definitely seems to have a pattern of unwarranted outbursts of extreme violence. Followed by wild accusations of who he just assaults to justify it. Guy needs to seek therapy. He clearly has issues.
Joe kind of looks like Jim Varney from the "Ernest" movies.


Telling you this we have alot of keiki at my gym and if i caught someone in the bathroom lockerrooms or showers messing around with a dildo or masturbating i would have dragged them out of the gym as well. The man was let in the gym to shower. Seems like they had no issue with that until several kids and members at the gym said the guy was in there doing that sick stuff. Not the place for it dont care if your gay or whatever. Being in a place of business where there are children present or around is 1000% unacceptable. I would have removed that person as well. The bar situation is completely different from this situation. Joe was a patron of the bar if the owners had a issue with the guy they should have removed him or called the police. They have a duty to their customers to protect them just like Joe has a duty to his customers, students and their families to keep that kind of behavior out of the gym. The gym is supposed to be a safe place. Not some place where people are performing sex acts on themselves in the locker rooms.
But you can see from Joe’s posts after the bar event, that he may have been bending the truth a bit with the first event with the homeless guy. Just to make himself look better? I know sometimes you don’t know what to believe, but for me, seeing everything he posted to justify his attack on the bar guy, makes me think he knows how to make people sympathetic to his cause and twist the narrative to how it best suits him. The video with the homeless guy is disturbing in that the guy clearly gs mental health issues, and Joe decides that beating him up and humiliating him is the best of course of action, shows what kind of person Joe is. Really hard to stick up for.
Telling you this we have alot of keiki at my gym and if i caught someone in the bathroom lockerrooms or showers messing around with a dildo or masturbating i would have dragged them out of the gym as well. The man was let in the gym to shower. Seems like they had no issue with that until several kids and members at the gym said the guy was in there doing that sick stuff. Not the place for it dont care if your gay or whatever. Being in a place of business where there are children present or around is 1000% unacceptable. I would have removed that person as well. The bar situation is completely different from this situation. Joe was a patron of the bar if the owners had a issue with the guy they should have removed him or called the police. They have a duty to their customers to protect them just like Joe has a duty to his customers, students and their families to keep that kind of behavior out of the gym. The gym is supposed to be a safe place. Not some place where people are performing sex acts on themselves in the locker rooms.
It's the way he posted it on social media and seemed happy to do it, I didn't think much of it when I saw the first one, but now in combination with this it's a bad look
Yes he was tortured by the police until he confessed and then the cops produced the video to make Joe look guilty and back up their evil plan.
That's why we should defund da police.
Joe definitely seems to have a pattern of unwarranted outbursts of extreme violence. Followed by wild accusations of who he just assaults to justify it. Guy needs to seek therapy. He clearly has issues.
Looking forward, how long until he kills someone? Look how bad he got embarrassed by that Asian guy. Not only in MMA, but to call him out in kickboxing and get absolutely destroyed again? He has to be so insecure about those things that he finds a tiny little guy that he thinks he can justify beating up and then goes ahead with it. He really needs mental help before it goes too far. He seems really unstable.
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Does anyone really believe that the guy opened the door to the bathroom while still ramming himself for Joe to see?

It's the most unbelievable story I've ever heard. Joe speaks as though he well accustomed to public bathroom Dildo sessions, and is probably why he hangs out in gay bars with arm wrestling champions and pansy bus boys listening to late 90s hip hop.
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The guy is homeless, what's the problem with him using the bathroom? It's not like he has a house, where else is he supposed to fuck himself in the ass?
This is a private business. There are shelters for that, and even they wouldn't want this perv cornholing in there. You think the gym owner, who makes a living providing for his family appreciates some lowlife defiling his business and chasing his customers away?
Always some losers who are like “this is in another thread!”

Hey pal, some of us actually have, you know, lives, and not the time to go through every thread. If you’re over here gate keeping for an Internet forum and not getting paid I’d check my priorities. On that note, interesting video.
Pretty fucked up, while it's a bit disturbing the guy turns up to a random gym and starts jacking off and putting a dildo up his ass however that doesn't mean his automatically some sort of sex offender and / or peadophile. The guy is likely mentally ill...that's obviously not normal behaviour.
Joe was wanting some action, when the guy turned him down, he then planted the dildo on the bum to justify the assault. I knew Joe was always a little funny, most overly moncho bullies have a hidden desire for the same sex underneath it all.
Also so super fucked up to kick the crap out of a clearly insane homeless guy for pleasuring himself. And then he calls him a :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile.

Joe Schilling kinda sucks
Seems more plausible a homeless guy snuck into gym to shower, people noticed, they check his bag before booting him to be assured he hasn't stolen shit, they find dildo and commence to name calling and beating. But I really don't know and the police are best suited for this shit.
I'm really starting to wonder if this is all a work. Eddie Bravo used to love doing these prank fight videos at his gym back in the day.....
Kinda like a R rated version of the Gracie self defense lessons commercial?