Boxing is the fundamental and most effective striking art - but is limited by a rule that you train you legs to be agile not aggresive and also a stance that can make you open to knee strike and leg kick in a open combat like MMA. Muay Thai and Kickboxing seems to have too many clinches and kicks and the body shots seem to be a lighter version of boxing.
So, once you have trained your legs and standing to avoid and inflict kicks , have you watched or trained boxing for learning better ways to punch ? I also have seen in Quora some answers saying training in boxing is preferably
receieved before staring Muay Thai , because Muay Thai conditioning can result in a fighter becomie very stiff learning boxing and eventually lose their edge in one or the other, but if something shows there I always get it verified by people who know things and can answer question
My question is, does learning boxing combos and technical nuances to improve the impact in your punches ever occured or recommened to you ? In fact the way Muay Thai fighters guard they seem to be very open to a punch in chest. But they know it better than I know.
So, I am curious about.
ABOUT ME: I am a nerd looking to learn Muay Thai, but only combat sport I watched was boxing
, and given my age and weight I think having strong punches can assist me end any real situation sooner, and also the nimble way boxers seems to move without getting exhausted is certainly worth learning while conditioning my legs. But I am neither young nor very energitic so I need to be resourceful, so I am asking here in many threads
Please ignore if it is a foolish question.
So, once you have trained your legs and standing to avoid and inflict kicks , have you watched or trained boxing for learning better ways to punch ? I also have seen in Quora some answers saying training in boxing is preferably
receieved before staring Muay Thai , because Muay Thai conditioning can result in a fighter becomie very stiff learning boxing and eventually lose their edge in one or the other, but if something shows there I always get it verified by people who know things and can answer question

My question is, does learning boxing combos and technical nuances to improve the impact in your punches ever occured or recommened to you ? In fact the way Muay Thai fighters guard they seem to be very open to a punch in chest. But they know it better than I know.

ABOUT ME: I am a nerd looking to learn Muay Thai, but only combat sport I watched was boxing