NoGi choke from mount?


Orange Belt
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Are there any no-gi chokes when mounted on an opponent? They only chokes I know from that position require a collar involved...
Armtriangle, even though you should finish in sidemount, you can set it up and get into it from mount.
If you do no-gi it is good to learn to love the armtriangle.;)
You can also get triangle from mount actually.

It would propably be an good idea to go to to see these variations.
Your options choking from the mount are a bit limited in no gi. Other than the arm triangle, here are two I've seen done.

1) Guillotine. Exactly the same as from guard, but imagine that you have swept your opponent into the mount. A lot of places will consider this a neck crank, but it can be a choke too depending on how you do it. I don't usually go for this one myself because it leaves you vulnerable to being bridged. However, if you sink it from mount, the bridge shouldn't matter because you just finish from the guard.

2) Forearm drop. This isn't really a choke that taps people; it is just used to create other openings. Just make a fist and place the blade of your forearm over the side/front of your opponent's neck. Aim for the same place you apply pressure to in the RNC. Then instead of just pushing with your arm, imagine locking your arm in place and dropping your whole body weight through your arm. You can't actually tap anyone decent with a move like this, but even the best guys will reach up with their arms to defend. Then you can go for an arm triangle choke from there or any other move you feel like.
This wont tap him but annoy the sh*t out of him. Dont know what its called but picture this, your looking down on top of him, whichever one of your arms u choose to use, grab his opposite trap muscle and then lay your forearm across the adams apple and press with your body weight.......
I remember when I was new I didnt know what the hell to do but I didnt tap, I just got suuuuper tired trying to figure out how to get him off me and panicking. But obviously if he knows a thing or two its just annoying to him and nothing more
2) Forearm drop. This isn't really a choke that taps people; it is just used to create other openings. Just make a fist and place the blade of your forearm over the side/front of your opponent's neck. Aim for the same place you apply pressure to in the RNC. Then instead of just pushing with your arm, imagine locking your arm in place and dropping your whole body weight through your arm. You can't actually tap anyone decent with a move like this, but even the best guys will reach up with their arms to defend. Then you can go for an arm triangle choke from there or any other move you feel like.

OOps sorry i think i posted what he had just mentioned.
The forearm drop can be made a solid choke if you hug the back of their head with your other arm. I pull this off quite alot. Sloppy & less pretty than other finishes but easy.
Big Red said:
The forearm drop can be made a solid choke if you hug the back of their head with your other arm. I pull this off quite alot. Sloppy & less pretty than other finishes but easy.
exactly. i came here to say this

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