Nogi and Shorts Grabbing

J Storm**

Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
I'm pretty new to Nogi (about a month) and haven't competed yet, although I hope to do so in the near future. Anyway, I always assumed Nogi meant that you couldn't grab any clothing. However, at my class I find frequently that guys are grabbing onto my shorts when trying to pass my guard. I never say anything, but is this allowed in competition?

I kinda shrug it off b/c most of them are Gi guys who do Nogi as well, but sometimes it gets annoying and I wanna say "I don't think you can do that." I'm not the kind of dude who bitches about anything when rolling, whether u accidently hit me in the face or anything like that, but if it's against the rules, I guess I should tell em to stop cuz you won't be able to use that tactic in Nogi competition. Last class I even had a guy fully grab onto my knee pad/brace (fingers inside) and tried to use that grip to pass over my knee. I'm pretty damn sure that's not allowed, lol.
Last time I checked there is no grabbing shorts in no gi. that is of course the point of no gi, to take the gi off and grapple without grips, IMO
I would say something. I was rolling in my new Ouano a couple weeks ago with a guy that never had rolled nogi and he started yanking on my rashie. I was like, "whoa holmes, watch the new rashie, my GF will kick your ass since she bought it!" LOL

Seriously, I'd just say, "I don't think you'll be able to do that in competition and would probably get penalized for it."
in mma and submission wresting in competition you are not allowed to grab the shorts. but when i am rolling on the mat i do grab the shorts. i do not do it when ever i want but when i am going for a hook sweep and my opponent backs out. to me then it is necessary to grab the shorts. so to answer your question no in competition, but you can on the mat if it necessary and part of your strategy.
I hate it when people do that. That is why I roll naked, covered in olive oil. Crap did I just post that on the internet?:redface:
Some competitions' rules allow grabbing of clothes in no gi and others do not (lack of gi just makes grabbing less useful). I'm not sure what the specifics are though, e.g. grabbing the knee pad seems like bad form, but I couldn't say.

I would think it's generally a bad habit in training -- but that's just IMO.
definetly not allowed. I hate it too. Tell the guy to quit it.
The only shorts you are allowed to grab are your own...

Which comes in handy when you are trying to defend a kimura.
Its not allowed. I always make a comment to people when they do it. Most people are cool about it and try not to do it again.
Man just a story. I rolled with this guy on last Thursday, and I was rolling with a tee on, no rashguard. I wasn't mounting any offense, as he was very strong, but positionally I was dominating him. Everytime he mounted, I escaped. Every time I could recover guard from his sidemount, I swept. Then, He's in my guard and he grabs both hands on the collar of my shirt and pulls straight down as hard as he can, ripping my tee shirt completely in half, Hulk Hogan style. I froze up,completely in awe of what just happened, but he KEPT ROLLING. So instead of bitching, I finished out the rest of the roll, and caught an inverted armbar fro the guard right at the end.

I then explained to him that you aren't supposed to grab clothing in no gi. His response was, "I was just tying to pass your buard. Sorry."

Did I handle this okay?
Man just a story. I rolled with this guy on last Thursday, and I was rolling with a tee on, no rashguard. I wasn't mounting any offense, as he was very strong, but positionally I was dominating him. Everytime he mounted, I escaped. Every time I could recover guard from his sidemount, I swept. Then, He's in my guard and he grabs both hands on the collar of my shirt and pulls straight down as hard as he can, ripping my tee shirt completely in half, Hulk Hogan style. I froze up,completely in awe of what just happened, but he KEPT ROLLING. So instead of bitching, I finished out the rest of the roll, and caught an inverted armbar fro the guard right at the end.

I then explained to him that you aren't supposed to grab clothing in no gi. His response was, "I was just tying to pass your buard. Sorry."

Did I handle this okay?

Yeah but I would have probably said something mid-roll and kept going.
Yeah but I would have probably said something mid-roll and kept going.

Cool. Next time I will. When people are spazzing I don't want to look like the guy who's complaining. But I definately should have spoke up, because it was so flagrant.

Thanks Newcastle!
I tell guys not to grab the clothing in no gi. Most guys know, but some are clueless about that rule.